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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / sa 200 welder not welding good
- - By dobsalot (**) Date 09-29-2007 12:44
I have a 76 sa 200 that doesn't weld like it should.  The longer I weld the more I have to crank up the heat!  During the winter months it will weld pretty fair, but the summertime heat seems to have a big effect on the current.  I'm wondering, can the exiter armature be bad and still be able to weld?  Or, canthe main generator  just be breakin down from years of heavy use?  I've checked all the connections that I can reach,changed rehostat,cleaned both commutators,checked rpm's, and all brushes, even though they are original, seem to be fine.  When in the 120- 190 range +30 with a 1/8 5p+ I can be welding with a short arc and it will break arc about 4 times per rod. Overhead welding with this machine is difficult, erratic arc with lots af arc force but I can't seem to deposit much metal to the pipe, most of it ends up on me! Anybody have any sugestions on what I can do? I have an 03 200G but I sure miss my old 76er!
Parent - - By banshee35 (**) Date 09-29-2007 18:36
that seems a bit cold of a setting. On mine, I usually run 1/8th 5p on 190 and 55 +/-  5-10. Has the carb been taken off? Could be the throttle rod from the governor not adjusted properly.
Parent - By dobsalot (**) Date 09-29-2007 19:05
as far as i know the rpm's on high idle and full load are correct but mabey I should check again. I  haven't ever had the carb off.
Parent - - By shorthood2006 (****) Date 09-29-2007 23:27
call bills welder repair in okc oklahoma. they can tell you alot. also, have your machine put on a load bank. a Lincoln service center will have this machine. the load bank will test your machine in every aspect. will have the locations of the service center in your area.
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 09-30-2007 04:14
The load bank sounds like a good idea to find a heat related problem, I too suggest this method.
Parent - By dobsalot (**) Date 09-30-2007 13:13
Thanks for the help, I have had the machine on a load bank and they tell me the output is fine.  Since I have been welding with  the 200G, I haven't had any trouble welding pipe, it has a really nice arc. I also have an old redface that will outweld my 76. Welding with the 76 makes me think I forgot how to weld, I appreciate all your help.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / sa 200 welder not welding good

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