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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Blending Welds
- - By BP Maas (**) Date 03-30-2001 21:26

My time to post a question. I work in a company that makes equipment for processing food. As I have traveled around the world to many different countries, I have seen large tanks that have weld joints around the circumference that have been blended, with precision, to a 3A dairy type finish. I am familiar with all the DynaBrade tools, as we use them extensively. On a large scale this would take forever. I heard about a machine from some pipefitters one time, and they said this machine would follow the weld joint automatically, and finish about a 3 inch or 75mm wide area.
The finish on the large tanks looked like the tank was chucked up on a large lathe and turned, that precise. I know that is sometimes done, but in the cases I'm talking about it was a portable type of machine.
Does anyone out there know where a source for this type of machine is?
All of the suppliers I have talked with are baffled.

Thanks in advance, Brad
Parent - - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 03-30-2001 22:23
Are you sure the welds weren't made by submerged arc? Sub arc welds look very nice.
Another possibility is automated MIG portable machines, like those used to weld storage tanks. Those machines are continuously advertised on Welding Journal magazine.
Giovanni S. Crisi
Sao Paulo - Brazil
Parent - By BP Maas (**) Date 04-09-2001 13:42
Como vai voce amigo,
It's not the weld process I'm enquiring about, it's the mechanical means to remove the heat tint and scale. I thank you for the input though.

Boa sorte, Brad
Parent - - By TimGary (****) Date 04-09-2001 14:45
I work in a shop that fabricates water distillation equipment for the pharmaceutical industry. We have to mechanically polish all product contact surfaces extensivly and often have to electropolish as well. All of our mechanical polishing is done manually with pneumatic hand tools. I am not aware of any other methods and would like to know as well if you find what you're looking for.
Parent - By BP Maas (**) Date 04-10-2001 19:54

I will post this, when I find this piece of equipment.

Best regards, Brad
Parent - - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 04-16-2001 22:14
I'm almost sure (although I can't swear it) that ESAB (or some other welding material company) makes a chemical product that removes the scale and color produced when welding stainless steel, without damaging the material itself, neither chemically nor mechanically. Why don't you ask them?
Giovanni S. Crisi
P.S. Congratulations for your Portuguese!
Parent - By BP Maas (**) Date 04-18-2001 16:12
Bom Dia Giovanni,

We do have many companies that make pastes and gels to remove heat tint and scale from the weld zone here in the U.S. Avesta is my choice for products here. The best I have found though, is in Brasil, a company called D Sanctis & Mereiros Associados, they are in Sao Bernardo.
Many good things in Brasil, people, samba, picchania, carniera, cerveja, pinga etc! I like your country very much!

Abriggado, Brad
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Blending Welds

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