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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / machine not drawing arc after jump starting with leeds
- - By louieRD (**) Date 10-08-2007 13:28
i jump started my 200 with a 300d with the leeds and; its running good but not drawing an arc. did i just burn up my machine?! can anybody help
Parent - By shorthood2006 (****) Date 10-08-2007 15:27
call bills welder repair in okc.or
Parent - By downhandonly (***) Date 10-08-2007 15:33
ground to ground stinger to stinger both machines on dc+? I did this to a friends machine every morning for a week last winter till he could get his starter fixed and never (noticably) hurt his machine at all.
Parent - By KSellon (****) Date 10-09-2007 17:32
Will it go to high idle when you try and strike and arc? Rheostat, reed switch, etc all look operable?
Go to page 8 of this manual, then to problem 2. You will see where it mentions flash exciter fields.

On page 9 after all symptoms have been listed you will see 'footnotes'. The second one will explain flashing.

Is this on the same machine you have been having problems with?
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 10-14-2007 04:46
i've heard you can fry the pc board by jumping machine like that i never seen it but did hear it i jumped mine everyday for a month on 1 job no big deal
Parent - - By banshee35 (**) Date 10-14-2007 16:07
We did this at work with2 sa 200's and burnt up the exciter arm. in the one we were jumping off. put in a new exciter arm and back in business.
Parent - - By louieRD (**) Date 10-14-2007 19:09
the machines snappin a great arc now , i had missed a loose wire on the idler board  thanks for the responses!
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 10-15-2007 03:38
i had a loose wire on my 1st board use to come off when i was burning and machine wouldnt idle down would drive me nuts til i figured it out the prongs finally fell out and i got a new board kept the old figured i'd sum1 thats good with a solder gun
Parent - By louieRD (**) Date 10-15-2007 11:20
ya 10-4
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / machine not drawing arc after jump starting with leeds

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