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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Chuck Meadows Update...
- - By jon20013 (*****) Date 10-08-2007 20:21
Pasted below is an e-mail I've just received from Chuck's wife, Mary.  The news doesn't seem as good as I would have hoped for so I ask all of our Forum Member's to keep Chuck (and Mary) in their prayers so that Chuck may be empowered by our love to continue fighting this horrible illness.  Mary Meadows update is as follows:

"Dear Jon,

Thank you so much for you prayers and concern for Chuck.  I don't know  when you last received word of his condition so I will give you an update.  The hormone treatment that was first administered did not work.  His cancer unfortunately is hormone resistant.  He is receiving radiation treatment in four separate areas trying to stop the bone pain.  He is very weak and taking a lot of pain medication - everything from morphine in pill form to liquid morphine and hydrocodone.  When he is finished with the radiation treatments, we will pursue chemotherapy options.  His blood count levels will have to improve dramatically for him to be able to take chemo.  Unfortunately, it seems he hits a brick wall every way he turns.  His cell phone and e-mail is forwarded to his boss so if anyone wants to write to him they may use my e-mail address." 

Mary Meadows e-mail address is:

Thanks so much in advance for all your love and prayers,

Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 10-08-2007 20:29
Further to the above, Mary has encouraged all of the folks who know and respect Chuck to write at the e-mail address provided in the above post.  From my own perspective, if each of you would mention your current state or country, I think it might be kind of encouraging to see how many states and/or countries Chuck has touched with his unselfish guidance.

Thanks again!!
Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 10-10-2007 15:06
BUMPING THIS BACK UP FOR ALL YOU WHO KNOW, AND LOVE CHUCK MEADOWS!!!  Please drop him a line at the e-mail address above.  If you don't mind, please tell him the State and / or Country you're writing from.  I appreciate your support in advance!!!

Warmest regards,

Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Chuck Meadows Update...

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