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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Welding Rig Work Possibilities!
- - By The Ruffian (**) Date 10-23-2007 01:53
I was wondering if anybody out there in the D/FW,Texas area might have any ideas on places that use rig welders and who to contact. I am aware of the pipeline work in the area, but I am more interested in drilling rig work, fabrication, construction, heavy equipment ,etc.... I have my own rig and I'm currently working, I'm just trying to find some other oppportunities. I'm not really interested in travelling as I spent many years working offshore in the past, but I'm not ruling it out. Any help would be appreciated and "Thanks" in advance!
Parent - By ctdconstruction (*) Date 10-23-2007 21:31
I don't know if they are hiring -- they we're a few months ago when I called --- they are a division of Elkhorn Contruction which has pipeline work in Colorado, Wyoming , ect...

Eagle Pipeline Construction, Inc.
620 North Road
Kennedale, TX 76060
(817) 478-6797
(817) 478-7283 (fax)
Parent - By dfwpipeliner (**) Date 10-24-2007 01:21
Try Paterson drilling out of Bridgeport
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Welding Rig Work Possibilities!

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