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Up Topic Welding Industry / Welding Fundamentals / direct measure cone layout
- - By aevald (*****) Date 10-30-2007 17:44
Hello everyone, here's a simple method for laying out a cone either directly onto your material, or for making a paper or cardboard pattern for tracing onto a piece of material. If you are making cones out of anything other than thin gauge materials you will have to allow for material thicknesses and resize your patterns accordingly. Generally the rule of thumb is to use a centerline dimension when using thicker materials, in other words if you are making a cone out of 1/4" material and the OD dimensions of the top and bottom were 6" and 9" the diameters that you would base the pattern on would be 5 3/4" and 8 3/4". Hope this makes sense.
Attachment: directmeasurecone.bmp (865k)
Attachment: directmeasurecone2.bmp (863k)
Parent - - By waynekoe (**) Date 10-30-2007 19:05
Heres a method I found to work well, I'll double the diameter of the base and top and use those circumference on the semicircle. The cone height is made by moving the divider by the required distance. So if you want a cone with a six foot base, four foot tall with a three foot opening at the top, lay out a 12' dia. circumference on the half, move down your centerline four foot and lay out a six foot circumference on the half, add milk and stir. 
Parent - By RGL (*) Date 11-22-2007 07:40 Edited 11-27-2007 01:22
Hoping this is not out of line, but there is a Hand Held Calculator on the website link below that is very user friendly and can layout just about anything, including CONES.  You just input the dimensions it prompts you for, including Material Thickness and it will give you all the layout dimension's you need for the layout.  You don't need to know the math and its Dead Accurate. It will also give you the degree's and number of "Kicks" for kick forming large heavy cones.  You can use the Layout Manual that comes with it like a computer monitor for visual instruction and direction.  See the CONE and CONE FORMING pages from the Manual attached below.   It will also layout Square to Rounds, Round Elbows, Intersecting TEE's at any angle including the HOLE layout, Stair Cases, handrails and much more. I used the Square to Round & Round Elbow programs to layout the  Test Cell Jet Engine Exaust in the photo below. The retainers on the Inlet and Outlet were used for the High Heat Insulation that was applied later.  It always reads dimensions in DECIMAL form 1st,  then in FRACTIONAL form 2nd,  to the closest 1/32",+/- 1/64".  This is for the person that doesn't know his/her Decimal readouts. It also has Utility programs for Drill & Tap sizes, Metric Conversions, Pulley sizes, including RPM and Belt lengths and more.  This is a hell of a tool for people that don't have any layout experience or know the math.  The site shows all the pages in the manual.  Be sure to read all the "NOTES" in the pages, it helps things make sense.  This Calculator is a Real Tool, its not a gimmick or a toy.  Its worth a look at.
Attachment: CONE90dpi.jpg (0B)
Attachment: KickFormingaCONE90dpi.jpg (0B)
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 10-31-2007 03:27
It would be handy if there was a place on the forum for this type of info, and an easy way to find it.
Parent - By ctacker (****) Date 10-31-2007 03:51
there is, its under tricks of the trade :)
Up Topic Welding Industry / Welding Fundamentals / direct measure cone layout

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