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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / MR BABRTS
- - By downhill798 (*) Date 11-15-2007 03:47
new to forum and need your help on downhill welding my email is  thanks
Parent - By puddlechaser Date 11-15-2007 03:57
you meen downhand? vertical down?
Parent - - By puddlechaser Date 11-15-2007 03:59

What are you welding?????

mild steel, alloy,  stainless????
Parent - - By downhill798 (*) Date 11-15-2007 11:51 Edited 11-15-2007 11:54
yes downhill or downhand pipeline 12 inch 1/2 wall 5p+ bead 5/32 bead only then 3/16 70+ the rest of the way out what would be the heat settings  have a sa200 gas
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 11-15-2007 12:21
The reason these other fellas are asking is because there is a difference between down hill and down hand welding positions. Down hill welding is in the vertical position ( l ), but the travel direction is down rather than up, and downhand welding is usually referred to welding in the flat position ( __ ) or where all welding is downhand rather than over head or out of position. These are two terms that gets thrown around alot in our type of work without much thought, but there is a difference.
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 11-15-2007 12:32
I just looked in the AWS A3.0 (Standard for Welding Terms and Definitions)

....and for Downhand it says, "Downhand. a non-standard term for flat welding position."

....and for Downhill it says, "Downhill. Welding with a downward progression."

Hope this helps.
Parent - By downhill798 (*) Date 11-15-2007 13:07
ok downhill is their a pipeliner on here who can help me pleaze thank you
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 11-15-2007 14:25 Edited 11-15-2007 14:27
He is welding on a Xcountry pipeline. Downhill. And if you look at the hand position when welding downhill, the palm is pointing down. Down hand
Bead 240 & 45
HP 240 & 70
Fill 240 & 50
Cap 240  45
This will depend on each machine. Some are hotter some are colder. These settings will need to be adjusted up or down 5 depending on you and your technique.
Good luck
Parent - - By downhill798 (*) Date 11-15-2007 15:11
thank you sir
Parent - - By ZCat (***) Date 11-15-2007 20:32
just curious, what does BABRTS stand for?
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 11-15-2007 23:21
Been Around Big Round Thinggie's
Parent - By ZCat (***) Date 11-15-2007 23:46
no wonder I couldn't find it on google
Parent - By puddlechaser Date 11-16-2007 02:41
wow those answers are a little over my head! but as far as I have gotten (2nd year) the def that I would give would match with jwright650's answer......  THis is a awesome sight I am gonna learn so so so so so so so  much on here!
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / MR BABRTS

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