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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Time Between Completion of Root Pass and Start of Hot Pass
- - By NDTIII (***) Date 11-15-2007 05:59
If a PQR for SA106 Br. B and SA671 Gr C65 states under QW-410 (Technique) that the max. elapsed time between the completion of the root pass and the start of the hot pass is 5 min., does that become an essential variable? Does it hae to be included in the WPS?
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 11-15-2007 14:33
The PQR will dictate what happens in the field. The time lapse is not an essental variable but would be required for the field work.
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 11-15-2007 15:04
QW-410 what?
I'm not seeing it as a variable at all, even with 65 variables under QW-410.
It doesn't matter what the PQR reports as data. As a code requirement if its not a variable you do not have to comply. If it is critical and is to be applied it would be based upon an engineering judgment not a code requirement.
Time lapse between passes is an API thing.
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 11-15-2007 15:07
As a process of thoroughness I have always recorded data not required by code just to have it available for future reference. But just because I have recorded it on the PQR does not make it required for the WPS. It has to be a codified variable to be a code requirement.
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 11-15-2007 15:55
I haven't looked into IX (computer system is all screwed up due to relocation of company) but in my own experience, technique is most often non-essential variables which means the craft follows the WPS direction unless there is some problem in which case the Welding Engineer may revise the variable without needing to requalify the WPS.

The short answer is the WPS must be followed by craft unless a change is authorized by the engineer.
Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 11-15-2007 16:07
Having checked IX after my last response, I'm not sure the reason for the question... Field does NOT work from the PQR but rather the WPS.  If the PQR is being reviewed for validation of the WPS (QA type function) my response would be the time between root and hot pass is not an ASME requirement but may be important to the Engineer for many reasons.

By simply recording 5 minutes time between root and hot pass on the PQR doesn't mandate that the information be included on the WPS, which is what the field hands need to be working to.
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 11-15-2007 16:10
My understanding of the question is the idea of the transition from the PQR to WPS, and whether or not something on the PQR has to be written into the WPS. And the answer is no. Or, only if it is a codified variable.
But you are right, if it is on the WPS it has to be followed no matter what level, or lack thereof, of variable it is.
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 11-15-2007 16:11
OK, you hit your second post before I responded.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Time Between Completion of Root Pass and Start of Hot Pass

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