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Up Topic Welding Industry / Welding Fundamentals / Chrome tubing welding
- - By Sourdough (****) Date 11-21-2007 00:58
Had a man aproach me about welding the stuff. Didn't have a tig set up, but told him I knew a guy that could do it

I've heard that heat input is a major issue, but don't know a whole lot about it. Would like to learn about it.

Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 11-21-2007 13:03

Is it a tube made from a Chrome alloy or a carbon steel tube that is chrome plated?

Makes a big difference.

If it is a chrome alloy, knowing exactly which one will have some impact on distortion control, whether argon gas backup is required and of course filler metal choice.

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Parent - By vagabond (***) Date 11-22-2007 23:10 Edited 12-18-2007 03:14
The percentage of chrome in the make-up of the material determines the heat, duration of application etc. it'd be a lot easier to show you.  Now the barbaric way is to heat it, run er and inspect it well at ambient temp, let it sit fer about 2 more beers.  If it ain't cracked cover it.  Repeat as necessary, not just the beer the welds also!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LMAOITS laffin my ass off in the snow.  If you know how to weld chrome and your kinda like to roam, you can make lots of money today. . . . . .momma's don let yer babies grow up to chase big work OK I'll quit drinking I've had enuff.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Welding Fundamentals / Chrome tubing welding

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