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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / INTERPRETATION ASME SECTION VIII-1 UW31
- - By Danfer Date 11-30-2007 17:21
I no understand part (d), "where fillet weld are used, the lapped plates fit closely and be kept in contact during welding",no exist tolerance in faying surface. We has the problem, because is imposible the faying surface is 0 in shop.

Thanks for help me
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 11-30-2007 17:28
If you are working to ASME Section III, you probably won't get much direction from the code.

I suggest you refer to AWS D1.X for some practical guidance on the fit up of structural elements. Keep in mind that AWS is not intended for pressure vessels, but there is still some useful information on joint details, fit up requirements, etc. that may be a reasonable basis of establishing fit up allowances where no direction is offered by ASME.

AWS D1.X    X = 1 for Structural Welding Code/Steel
                   X = 2 for Structural Welding Code/Aluminum
                   X = 6 for Structural Welding Code/Stainless Steel

Best regards - Al
Parent - By David Lee (*) Date 12-16-2007 00:20
Your codes will refer you to close contact, Otherwise the stress catagory will increase especailly for a fillet weld.
Parent - By Danfer Date 11-30-2007 18:04
Thanks Al
I like information about Interpretation ASME UW-31(C) VIII-1-83-93
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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / INTERPRETATION ASME SECTION VIII-1 UW31

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