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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / anyone ever do any bidding with riche bros auction?
- - By chris2698 (****) Date 12-01-2007 19:38
I found these guys a while back online and was wondering if anyone have done any bidding with them online? I have seen there is alot of welders they sell. It"s supposely like a live auction and all there but you don't have to be there you can be just online bidding, was wondering if anyone of you have done this and is it I guess kinda like ebay do you still get good deals on equipment? Thanks

Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 12-01-2007 20:44
I have been at their auctions for my clients.  If you put in a bid before the auction, they will use that as a starting bid, and you won't get anything.  I have never been in an online auction, so I don't know how that will work.  If you go there live, and get in a bid war with one or two other people, they have agents on the floor who will prompt you and get you excited.  They don't do anything illegal.  Usually, no one is allowed to start the equipment, so be aware you might be buying junk.  Be sure it is not a "Right Title and Interest only" auction.  Be sure that the whole kit and kaboodle bids are given first, so you don't spend the whole day there and the machinery dealers add a few bucks and get the whole thing for a few bucks more.  Be sure to take your paddle with you when you leave, so someone else doesn't pick it up and over bid in your name.  If you are buying a lot of small items, such a Hougen Bits, be sure that the same number of pieces are in the box by the time the bidding starts.
Parent - - By chris2698 (****) Date 12-01-2007 21:08
Thanks yeah I seen a welder that looks pretty good but I don't know I'll have to see if I can get more info on it. I watched a video of how you can do the bidding online and it looked really easy it almost seemd like you had live footage of the auction but you are doing it all at your computer at home. I may try and sign up and see if I can just sit back and watch on other bidding and feel it out and then later try it out I don't if it will let me do that. It maybe better to try and do just a ebay thing it sounds like ebay is a little more secure. Thanks

Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 12-10-2007 04:51
Hey Chris Shad here i tried the ritchie thing the other day you have to give a minimum proxy bid of 10,000.00 on anything you want to bid on online and they bid for you til the 10k is gone or theauction is over to me that aint worth it you could be trying to win a 200 welder worth lets sat 500 and end up paying 10,000 fopr it not me brother try ironhead i found it jus diggin around on the net seemed pretty good
Parent - By chris2698 (****) Date 12-10-2007 04:57
god dam I didn't look that far into it matter a fact I forgot about going back to the site and the welder i was interested in well I'm sure it was sold a few days ago
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / anyone ever do any bidding with riche bros auction?

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