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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Insurance???
- - By jim parker (**) Date 12-19-2007 12:35
What is the basic Insurance i need to do pipeline work?  Whats the average price?   Do i need it?  Where do i get it?  I'm running my own rig.
Parent - - By KSellon (****) Date 12-19-2007 22:05
gen liab minimum of 1 mil, average yearly cost here in Ok is 3600yr
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 12-23-2007 23:03
wow thats high i work in oil field and i can get 1 million with 2 mill max over the hole for 1800 a yr
Parent - - By bullsnbets (**) Date 12-24-2007 00:02 Edited 12-26-2007 18:35
I'm in Woodward OK. I have 1 mill./ 2 mill. for 1800.00 a yr. Call Nick at Doug Ross Agency/ Farmers Ins. He'll get you Insured at the same rate. He Insures all my buddies up here. 580-256-2777.
Parent - - By KSellon (****) Date 12-26-2007 14:40
Thanks- I will put this info out to my customers, who seem to be paying WAYYYYYY too much.
Parent - By Justin O (**) Date 12-26-2007 16:21
I got 2million $1600 but just got a new connection for about 900 for my last quote Vivian Moore (361) 485-1900
Parent - - By cmays (***) Date 12-23-2007 23:14
3 mill total over the hole and hot-tap permit runs me about 6100 a year give or take. Really depends on what all types of pipeline youre goin to be doing and where. Also based off your gross invoicing. If you invoice six figures or more its gonna be high but hey, you gotta spend money to make money right....
Parent - - By JTMcC (***) Date 12-26-2007 16:49
Like cmays said, you can't judge whether someone is overpaying for insurance coverage unless you know what they are grossing per year.

More income = more insurance cost. It's simple, the more work you do, the more items the insurance company have to cover.

Parent - - By bullsnbets (**) Date 12-26-2007 17:24
If you have a good Ins. guy, he'll make sure your rates stay the same regardless. I have 1 mill/ 2 mill w/ 25% over the hole, $1800 yr. Has never changed. Of course I have everything insured through them so I'm sure that has some affect.
Parent - - By JTMcC (***) Date 12-26-2007 17:48 Edited 12-26-2007 17:50
No he won't. He can't. If your gross increases and you are paying the same amount for liability insurance it means: you were paying too much originally, or your gross is low enough that you stay in the bottom tier of rates even with the increase.

What would you think if you went down to the welding supply and bought a pallet of welding rod every month, then your workload increased and you started buying 3 pallets of rod per month and the welding supply charged you the same amount for 3 that they used to charge for one?

I'd love to go down to the Dodge dealer and get 2 one ton trucks, and pay the same price I did for one. It doesn't happen.

Bechtel is not paying the same amount as you for liability insurance. People who gross 5 times what you do, aren't paying the same as you either.

You're paying the insurer to protect you from liability from a failure of a weld, more welds made = more liability = higher premiums.

Parent - - By Justin O (**) Date 12-26-2007 19:25
I do pretty good but most of it depends on how much % over the hole and what kind of work you are doing.
Parent - - By TRC (***) Date 12-26-2007 20:40
What does "over the hole" mean? I just got 3mil/3mil (gas company requirement) for welding on live mains. It's costing me $14,000.00. It's just me so I really don't expect to make over 175K. Cmays- when you say "hot tap permit" does that mean you tap TDW or Mueller type fittings?  
Parent - By Justin O (**) Date 12-26-2007 23:42
I made 3 last year over the hole is the gas/oil well as in wellheads and working on the BOPs or rig floor while there drilling. Not the line that is transfering the fuel.
Parent - - By cmays (***) Date 12-27-2007 01:44
We do split tee type branching. If I thats all I did im sure it would be higher but one week Im doing completion work or wellhead instal and the next im running aluminum or stainless pipe. Hot tapping makes a small percantage of what I invoice.
Parent - - By TRC (***) Date 12-27-2007 12:00
What is the aluminum pipe used for and what welding process do you weld it with. 
Parent - - By cmays (***) Date 12-28-2007 03:54
Prefabed pipe spool parts for various plant projects. Most of the time its used for silica particle transmission through chemical plants. They move the particle through the lines using nitrogen or just moderate air pressure. Constantly rebuilding belly lines on tranasports as well. I tig every bit of it.
Parent - - By pocket change (**) Date 12-28-2007 04:29
vivian moore is she in victoria, tx? got mine from they are from austin area lot of people in or around cleburne area have insurance from vivan in victoria no problem just wanted to know if it was same person as mentioned above
Parent - - By Justin O (**) Date 12-28-2007 04:35
Im not sure I still have my insurance from a place in George West, Tx.  But I wouldnt doubt it that is the number around there.
Parent - - By pocket change (**) Date 12-28-2007 05:07
justin o do you still have chopped 61? you say it needs rings?  how much of a chop does it have? is this the one on craigslist?
Parent - - By Justin O (**) Date 12-28-2007 05:10 Edited 12-28-2007 05:15
Yea it is chopped more than most they have the fuel tank curved to fit aroune the generator and 2 electric fans one in front and one behind the radiator and a stainless hood.  I not smart enough to put pictures on the computer unless I use my phone to do it.  I took it for a new PC board a few months ago and the guy who worked on it recognized it and said he rebuilt the welding end recently.  It welds real smooth. Not the one on craigslist
Parent - - By pocket change (**) Date 12-28-2007 05:38
did you chop it? who did the welding end work? whats your location? I had one but could not keep it from overheating built shroud, double fans, bigger water pump, water wetter (race car stuff) everything but nothing worked running 3/16" and 8mm rods on pipeline no time for overheating maybe just messed up others I have talked to don't have any problems love the look of a chopped machine.
Parent - By Justin O (**) Date 12-28-2007 05:43 Edited 12-28-2007 05:49
I didn't chop it Jay Korus did the welding end work hes from up by San antonio. They say to do it right you must keep the original radiator (with electric fans) and put the battery outside the machine somewhere. They didnt do that to mine they put a smaller radiator I was having that problem to and got tired of it but it sure does look nice Lol.
Im in Beeville, TX between san antonio and corpus christi  (welding in Kansas rt now)
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Insurance???

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