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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Extended Post Weld Heat Treatment
- By - Date 04-24-2001 19:28
There are some user organizations in the petro-chemical industry that require PQR test pieces to be subjected not only to the PWHT time that will be experienced in manufacturing the vessel, but also two additional cycles. (One for possible repair during manufacture, and one for later repair during service.)

In other words, let us assume that during fabrication the particular weld will be exposed for 3 hours to a temperature of 610°C. They then require that the welding procedure be qualified with a PWHT time of 9 hours at 610°C. The vessels are being built to ASME VIII Div 1.

My question is: Does this extended PWHT time meet the requirements of ASME IX? Particularly, does it meet the requirements of QW407.2, which states that the PWHT must be substantially the same as that experienced in production?

Maybe one of you know of an interpretation or code case that may answer this question.

Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Extended Post Weld Heat Treatment

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