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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / NY state Structural test
- - By lenny spero Date 12-25-2007 16:52 name is lenny spero and ive been trying to find a testing center to get tested for my ny state structural license.this is to no avail
ive gottne the run around a few times and was wondering if anyone on this site would have any information on this?
thank you in advance
lenny spero
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 12-25-2007 17:23 Edited 12-25-2007 21:15

Are you are talking about the New York State Department Of Transportation welder qualification for NYS DOT Bridges and Buildings?  If so, Modern School of Welding in Schenectady NY is the best bet and the cheapest place to take the test.
Are you talking about a license to weld on a structure within the boundaries of New York city?
are you just talking about general structural welder qualification to weld on buildings in New York State?

There is no NY State structural license.  D 1.1, D1.2, D1.3, D1.4, and D1.6 welder performance qualification tests are uesd.

Call me at 631-235-6742 and explain your application and discuss your needs.

Joe Kane
Parent - - By jsdwelder (***) Date 12-27-2007 20:11
Lenny, You can take either the New York State DOT test or the AWS structural test here at Modern Welding School. We do the DOT test about once per month usually on a Friday. Just call to set up an appointment. The AWS test we do more often on an as needed basis. You can call me, Jeff at 518-374-1216 to schedule an appointment. DOT cost is $100.00 per plate and AWS is $140.00 per plate.               Jeff Daubert- Modern Welding School
Parent - - By fbrieden (***) Date 12-28-2007 03:38

Are your prices all inclusive? Please be more specific.
Parent - - By jsdwelder (***) Date 12-28-2007 15:46
Not sure what you mean by all inclusive. Those prices are for you to walk in here and weld the plate. We do not furnish any welding gear or cleaning tools. Those are the test taker's responsibility. We do have a welding supply store where things of that nature can be purchased. A vertical plate will qualify for Flat, Horizontal and Vertical. If you need an "all position" cert then you will also need to do an overhead plate as well which of course means twice the $$. For the AWS test you will receive a document recording all the info about the test on it, not a card. For the DOT if you are successful the state will issue you a card and a work record ticket.
Parent - By lenny spero Date 12-29-2007 02:27
thanks alot guys ..i got all the info i needed.jeff i will be in contact with you soon.   thanks again...lenny spero
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / NY state Structural test

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