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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Welding a scrap conveyor pan
- - By STICKIT Date 01-11-2008 18:45
i work for a mechanical company and im in a die cast factory. the factory has a shaker pan under the floor. it has been very neglected. it also has some shotty welding on it. the pan shakes very hard and will split from time to time. i grind out the old welds and reweld it with 6011 and then make a 7018 pass across it. its about 1/8 inch thick and 30 inches across and the sides are about 16 inches tall. is this a good practice to make the 7018 pass across the 6011 or am i wasting time. i feel like it is good because the welds i have made dont break.would like your opinion, thanks.
Parent - By MDG Custom Weld (***) Date 01-11-2008 20:05
I assume this is just carbon steel (a-36 or similar), and 6011 root and 7018 cap is a solid process for this type of steel.  I guess your welding choice seems right since your welds have not shown any failures.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Welding a scrap conveyor pan

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