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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Is my welder certified for group I and II steels per D1.1(06
- - By Kix (****) Date 01-14-2008 15:46 Edited 01-14-2008 15:57
One of my welders welded 2 procedure qualification test plates. One was a 1" A514 to A514 and the other was 1" A514 TO A572 GR 50.  On page 143 table 4.9 says PQR base metal any specific group III or table 4.9 steel (witch A514 is) to any group II steel.  Then it says WPS base metal group combinations allowed by PQR and under that it says.  The specific PQR group III steel or table 4.9 steel tested to any Group I or group II steel.  So my question is since he tested on a piece of table 4.9 steel to a group II steel does that mean he is certified to weld on all group II steels and group I steels without having to take a group II to group II welding test?

  Thanks, Ray C.
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 01-14-2008 19:41

I know I'll be corrected if I"m wrong here but.....

I'm pretty sure the tables and limitations you mention apply to the qualification of WPS and not Welder Performance.

I'm pretty sure if a welder passes a performance qualification on one D.1.1 group that person is qualified for all groups.... The limitations will be on position, process, thickess and other essencial variables listed for welder performance quals.
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 01-14-2008 20:27
Ray, I agree with Lar, see AWS D1.1:2006, Table 4.12
(material is not listed as an essential variable for welder quals)
Hope this helps
Parent - By QUOCVUONG (*) Date 01-15-2008 15:34
You are right,
Material is not an essential variable for welder qualification
Parent - - By waynekoe (**) Date 01-14-2008 20:53
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 01-14-2008 21:14
I'm not seeing where Waynekoe is coming up with the filler metal strength thingy and the other stuff.  Man there are not many essential variables for a welder at all.  So would i be correct in letting a guy use a 90/10 gas on a welder cert plate when I qualified the procedure with 75/25?  This is a seperate procedure i'm talking about.  Gas is not an essential variable either I see.  Thanks for clearing this up for me guys!!  For some reason I thought that welders would have to be tested on all the different steels kind of like the WPS's.
Parent - - By waynekoe (**) Date 01-14-2008 21:41
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 01-14-2008 23:38

Which code are you referring to...? I'm a bit unclear as far a welders certifying "qualifying" via tensile strength of electrode.

The closest thing I can think of is SMAW and F numbers  but that really has nothing to do with tensile strength.

If a welder passes a performance qual in all positions with E7018 for example (F4) they are qualified to weld with all F groups in all positons,  and that would include 8018 and 11018, if I understand D1.1 correctly.

The F numbers are related more to ease of operation rather than tensile strength....  F1 electrodes like E7024 are just as strong in the judgement of the code as an F4 electrode like E7018 right?

Same goes with FCAW as far as D1.1 goes...  A welder qualified with FCAW is qualified for any tensile strength covered in the D1.1 code. It does not even distinguish between self shielded and gas shielded FCAW as far as welder performance quals go.

The welder may need a to be given different WPS for projects requiring higher strength fillers. But the welders themselves don't need to retest to use a higher strength filler metal. At least thats how I see things.
Parent - By waynekoe (**) Date 01-15-2008 00:55
Well now, I'm really embarrased. It's kind of "open mouth...insert foot! All this time , and I've been under the impression that a change to a filler metal strength higher than what you qualified with, required requalification. I don't know where I got that from. Kix, I've given you  some bad information. Please accept my apology? I think I know a lot of other people out there that are going to have the same egg on their face that I have on mine. Thank you Lawrence. MAN!!!
Parent - By James Corbin (**) Date 02-05-2008 17:09
Do not confuse a weldor qualification with PQR/WPS qualification or a prequalified (by section 3) WPS.
Weldor qual essential variables are found on Table 4.12 see also 4.22. This allows a test (within the range of D1.1 - 1.2 & Table 3.1 / Table 4.9 to weld with in the: 1) Process, 2) SMAW F-number, 3) Position, 4) Diameter/thickness, 5) Vertical Direction of Progression, 6) Backing used, and 7) Number of Electrodes, as used during the performance test. See also Table 4.10 & Table 4.11
But note even though the weldor has passed "a test" for it does not mean he/she can now do it. A proper Pre Qual or by PQR - WPS must be in hand (restrictions upon the welding process, position etc.) for the weldor to perform the weld. (I even use a Weldor Qualification WPS separate from the shop/field WPSs. This allows a limit what a weldor can do even during a performance test, "can he/she follow directions")
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Is my welder certified for group I and II steels per D1.1(06

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