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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Questions about Welder Certification
- - By luvmyhubby Date 01-28-2008 00:17
My husband passed his welding test about 15 years ago and has been welding every since, but no one had ever told him anything about mailing forms in every six months stating that he was still welding.

He had been welding for years prior to taking the test so he didn't take any classes in school.

He is a superintendant for a big construction co. and often has to weld on state jobs.  On one of these jobs a few years ago (about 2004), (on a college campus) he went to the welding instructor and asked about being certified again.  The instructor asked him if he welded for at least 8 hours every 6 months since he took his test and he said, "Yes."  The instructor told him that his certification was still good and not to worry with taking the test again.

Lately, we have been talking about his certification and I found this website.  The way I understand this website, you say there is some kind of form my husband or his employer is suppose to be filling out every six months.  So, I called a testing facility and asked them to send me information. 

I faxed them his information from his first test and they re-certified his 3 tests (for $240.00) and mailed me a photo copy of the rules that said the same thing the college instructor had said. 

Did he have to be re-certified?  The instructor said if he welded in his certified positions that he didn't need to do anything.  It really made me happy that they were going to re-certify him until I received the photo copy of the standard that said that he didn't have to be re-certified after I mailed the check.

His company is going to reimburse him so I'm not going to let this get me upset, but I want to know what does he have to do to keep up his certification in the future?

This testing place said that all he had to do was get his papers renewed once a year if he was welding without fail for 6 months, but there was no mention of ever having papers redone in the regulations she sent me.  It just said that he couldn't stop welding for 6 months.

I've tried to get the pdf files from this website, but they won't work on my computer even though I have the Adobe software.

I would appreciate your response to clarify this matter.

If there is something that is suppose to be mailed in every six months, is there a charge for this?  If these forms are mailed every six months does that mean my husband doesn't have to pay to be recertified again?

Thank you,
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 01-28-2008 01:12
Hello luvmyhubby, welcome to the forum! Certification requirements typically vary from different localities, states, and otherwise. They can also vary with different applications and processes. If you can be more specific with the location that you are speaking of and possibly include more detail on the codes and processes that your husband is qualified for, you will receive more concise information in this regard.
     Welding certification encompasses a vast amount of different types of requirements. Some certifications may be similar to the one that you described in your post. There are others that may require additional testing every time an individual changes their physical location or goes to work for a new employer. Some states have special certification processes that apply to specific types of work being conducted in their state. Cities, counties, and other municipalities may have similar requirements for doing work in their specific geographical area. There are different certifying bodies that can apply to specific types of work, ASME, AWS, various military jurisdictions, maritime applications and nuclear also. Many certifications require the same type of testing to be done and are graded in the same manner, yet passing these various tests may only qualify an individual for the one particular certification. A prime example would be the state structural certifications required in my state, the tests are identical to the ones given and issued by AWS, yet in order for an individual to be allowed to weld in the state of Washington on structural you would be required to certify through WABO (Washington Association of Building Officials) even if you were already certified through AWS. It's definitely not always fair, yet it is what it is. Best of luck to you and regards, aevald
Parent - - By luvmyhubby Date 01-28-2008 01:42

Thank you for responding so quickly!

My husband is certified for SMAW, Procedure Spec. #AWS D1.1-06, welding in three positions:  3G up & 4G Vertical & Overhead, 1G Flat, and 3G Vertical Up.

He tested in Alabama.

Thank you,
Parent - By ctacker (****) Date 01-28-2008 03:23
there's no way i can top Aevalds response but i will tell you to have your husband get written documentation whenever he welds. that way you have that to fall on if someone tells you to prove he's been welding!
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 01-28-2008 08:17 Edited 01-28-2008 08:25
Hi luvmyhubby!

"Weldcome" to you and your hubby to the forum!!! ;) :) :)

If your husband took the actual welding test fifteen years ago for AWS D1.1 - then he probably did not take the overhead groove or 4G welding test so if he welded only in the 3G position for the welding test, he would'nt be qualified to AWS D1.1-06 because the 2006 version does require for the welder to also pass a test in the overhead position...

Just to be on the safe side if I was your husband, I would also take a 4G practical test so that nobody could question the possibility that those folks you paid $240.00 to - may have "overlooked" the validity of the 4G qualification based on AWS D1.1-06. Now I do not remember precisely when AWS D1.1 (Structural steel) started to include the requirement that one had to qualify in both the 3G (Vertical Vee-groove with backing, uphill progression) and the 4G (overhead Vee-groove, with backing) but I believe it was less than fifteen years ago, so I would take the overhead practical just as a precaution. All the best to you and your husband.

Parent - - By luvmyhubby Date 01-29-2008 02:24
Hi Henry,

The information I posted about his test came straight from the original certification from 15 years ago.  He welded on one test overhead, on one flat, and on the other he welded vertical.  Each test was done on two plates.

He tested at a college where they taught welding and did each test on a different day.  The instructor bent each plate and tested his welds.  Remember this was an instructor that didn't really care about people who came in to be tested that were not enrolled in the college.  Matter of fact, he wouldn't even let my hubby do a pipe welding test because he said he didn't want him to be competing for the same jobs that his students would be applying for.  A big natural gas pipe line was coming through at the time.  It's a shame too, because he piped welded better than anything else.  He had been pipe welding for many years because he drilled wells for people and had to weld the pipe together and then drill it into the ground  with a 1 ton bit.  If the weld didn't hold you had big problems and expensive problems.  Some things are just better learned the hard way. 

Thank you,
Parent - By luvmyhubby Date 01-29-2008 03:43

I was finally able to get the pdf files to open on my laptop (I still don't know why it wouldn't work on my desktop.)  So, I finally have a copy of the form that the AWS website says has to be filled in every six months.

My hubby already has welding certification cards from the testing place, so I don't even know if he can get on the AWS Reg. or if they put him on the list.  The man that signed his cards is on the registry, because I checked him out.

Oh well, maybe I can find something out before 6 months is up.

Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 01-29-2008 04:49
Hi again luvmyhubby!

That's excellent news if your husband already took the overhead test as part of his certification!!! As long as all of the paperwork is together, your husband should be able to provide proof that he was previously qualified to weld in the positions stated in the certification, and demonstrate proof of continuity to maintain certification.

I believe the next best course of action would be to contact the certification department of the AWS in Miami, or the local AWS section in order to speak to someone responsible for certification of welders to insure that you get the best possible guidance from people with more insight than myself with regards to your husband's situation...

The reason that I'm suggesting this is I don't want to lead you in the wrong direction that may exclude another provision that I may or may not be aware of such as the possibility that comes to mind as I'm writing this - requiring RT (Radiographic Testing) of coupons in order to meet the current qualification standards... So when in doubt, ask the AWS  either in Miami or via your local section.

Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 01-29-2008 20:14
I was wondering about this myself.  All it says in the code ( is that the person loses his qualification if he has not engaged in a process of welding for which the welder or welding operator is qualified for a period exceeding six months. (notice it doesn't say positions. I question that)  So if a company is serious about their program then they will keep a continuity log.  I look at it like you're certified for 6 months from the last day you struck an arc with the process and positions certified in unless you go over the 6 months.  If they leave the company and keep welding then it is either up to the next company to keep the cert going or what else?  Do they then have to contact the AWS or someone else to renew their continuity? Can they bring their cert paper work into the local college and weld with the process and position qualified in?  I'm telling all my guys that if they get laid off to see me and I will sign off on their continuity paper work to keep them current for 6 months after they get laid off. Then it's pretty much up to them on what they do.

  Luv my Hubby,
       Did you have your hubby's company send a lab some paper work stating that he has been welding and then they signed off on the renewed cert's?  Man He is one luck guy to have a wife that takes care of him like you do. 
Parent - By luvmyhubby Date 01-31-2008 04:37

I enjoy taking care of my husband.  He does so much for us and he is either working at work or somewhere else or driving to and from work so he doesn't have a lot of time to call around or surf the web.

Keeping his certifications up to date is very important to us for several reasons.  We believe that it makes him a more valuable employee, more employable (if he decides to go elsewhere) and he has his own company where he does work on the side (sometimes even for the company where he works most of the time).  Unfortunately, his employer pretty much leaves all the paperwork to him even though they want him to be certified so he can weld whenever the need arises which is more than every six months because he is a Construction Superintendant for a construction co. that builds state buildings and does a lot of commerical buildings.  So, he works with a lot of steel.  Even when they sub out the steel work, my husband is resonsible for making sure the subs are doing their jobs correctly.  Being a Super. doesn't exclude him from physical labour, because at the end of the day he is responsible for what is done and what isn't done.

It sounds like you are doing a great job keeping up with your company's welders.

Thanks for everyone's advice and input,
Parent - - By luvmyhubby Date 01-31-2008 03:08

Thank you so much for all your input.

My hubby would like to be on the National Registry, so I guess contacting this will be our next step.

Thanks again,

My hubby appreciates your comments too!
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 01-31-2008 13:57
Wow, a SI that gets out there and gets it.  I would have paid to see all the SI's I've had in the past get out there and get under the hood.  I'm sure some of them might have been able to strike an arc, but I've had a few that I would definitely fork up the cash to see them throw a hood on.  I bet your hubby has the respect of all his men.  That is a very valuable thing for your hubby to have and for the company.  Sounds like this company your hubby works for is very fortunate to have him on board.
Parent - - By welder5354 (**) Date 02-03-2008 06:33
Renewal qualifications for ASME Section IX

QW-322.1 Expiration of Qualification
The performance qualification of a welder or welding operator shall be affected when one of
the following conditions occurs:
(a) When he has not welded with a process during a period of 6 months or more, his
qualifications for that process shall expire; unless, within the 6-month period, prior to his
expiration of qualification
(1) a welder has welded using a manual or semiautomatic welding process that
will maintain his qualification for manual and semiautomatic welding with that
(2) a welding operator has welded with a machine or automatic welding process
that will maintain his qualification for machine and automatic welding with that
(b) When there is a specific reason to question his ability to make welds that meet the
specification, the qualifications that support the welding he is doing shall be revoked. All other
qualifications not questions remain in effect.

QW-322.2 Renewal of Qualification
(a) Renewal of Qualification expired under QW-322.1(a) may be made for any process by
welding a single test coupon of either plate or pipe, of any material, thickness or diameter, in any
position, and by testing of that coupon as required by QW-301 and QW-302. A successful test
renews the welder or welding operator's previous qualifications for that process for those
materials, thicknesses, diameters, positions, and other variables for which he was previously
Providing the conditions of QW-304 and QW-305 are satisfied, renewal of qualification
under QW-322.1(a) may be done on production work.
(b) Welders and welding operators whose qualifications have been revoked under QW322.1(b) above shall re-qualify.
Qualification shall utilize a test coupon appropriate to the planned production work.
The coupon shall be welded and tested as required by QW-301 and
QW-302. Successful test restores the qualification.
Parent - - By welder5354 (**) Date 02-03-2008 06:46
Hi luvmyhubby, you need to know what code you husband was tested too.
As you can see, i just posted two codes; One for ASME section IX and another for CWB in canada.
So your husband will have to make sure all is ducks are in a row. Never Assume anything.

Welder Qualification for CWB in canada
8.3.3 Welder Qualification
A welder's qualification shall remain in effect for two years unless there is a specific reason to
question his/her ability or the period of validity is limited to a shorter period by the qualification
granted under Clause 8 .2.1.
In cases where the welder's ability is questioned, he/she shall have his/her qualification
Immediately and shall be required to pass a check test in the position and class held (see Tables
18, 19, and 20) before the qualification is reinstated.
The Bureau under the following conditions may revoke a welder's q qualification:
(a) When the welder is not engaged in a given process for a period of three months or
(b) When a welder having a transferable identification card leaves the employ of the
company and is not re-employed by a certified company for a period longer than three
months; or
(c) When a welder having a nontransferable identification card leaves the employ of the
company with whom such qualifications has been obtained.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 02-05-2008 20:57
Hi Welder 5354
Did you read her previous posts?

It's AWS D1.1.

Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 02-06-2008 11:32
ahhhh.......I wish my wife was that interested in my career .....all she wants is the check!!!!
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