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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / -40 and -50 below wind chills here in Wisconsin. burrrrrr
- - By Kix (****) Date 01-30-2008 13:24
I couldn't even keep my truck warm on the way into work this morning.  The heater was blowing hot air, but it just couldn't keep up.  The drifts weren't as bad as I thought they would be which was good.  Man I feel for you boys out there getting it right now with that wind blowing!  How's the weather everywhere else in the world?  People in Florida need not comment.(just kidding)  What kind of weather and temps are everyone else getting right now?  I here Colorado is getting hammered right now.
Parent - - By new tito (***) Date 01-30-2008 13:47
Texas (south of Houston) - about 72 F yesterday, but a numbing 45 F right now and expected to get to a chilly 65 F later today. :) 
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 01-30-2008 14:09
I talked to my parents yesterday in Southern Illinois( by St. Louis) and they said it got up to 70deg.  Then in one hour the temp dropped 40deg and they got tornadoes, hail, sleet, then snow all in one hour.  Can you say crazy??  Up here it made it up to 42 yesterday and then all $%%^ hit the fan.  Can't really tell it even snowed because the 50mph winds blew it all away.
     Hey Lawrence, how are you liking this fine weather we're having??
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 01-30-2008 14:27 Edited 01-30-2008 14:30
We had the big temp drop last night too.....  I had brought in extra wood in expectation of the Blizzard that was forcast.... But we had less than 1/4 inch of snow.

My driveway and walkway are a mess though... All last weeks snow melted yesterday morning when the temp was about 44 , but the ground was frozen so it just pooled up.  Then the big temp drop (-5 this morning -28 if you like to consider wind chill) and I have a front walks and driveway that are suitable for ice skating and nasty slips.  I put salt out but it's prolly too cold for it yet.
Parent - - By webbcity (***) Date 01-30-2008 15:52 Edited 01-30-2008 15:54
ray , lawrence , right now it's +8 degrees light wind and snowflakes here . was - temps. saturday and sunday , but not what you are getting . because we are on coastal alaska , but much colder than you in interior and on north slope . also i don't know what kind of truck you have but some of the older ones seem to have better heaters in them than the newer ones . sounds like we need to go visit new tito and warm up . the last time i went to houston it was hot and hi humidity was 112 in phoenix on the way . just thinking about that warms me up . when we were drilling on barter island (arctic coast) , one of the guys wanted me to tell the crew the story of when i had to put tools in a bucket of water to keep my hands from burning ,while working on the mojave desert , just to warm us up . good luck . willie
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 01-30-2008 18:52
Well, I wanted to go out for lunch about 30 min ago and my truck wouldn't start.  Dam starter shot the $%%$ on me and now i'm stuck at work.  Last week the antifreeze froze up in the heater core of my wifes car.  Turns out southern Illinois V dub dealers don't mix the antifreeze for negative temps.  I checked it and it was only good for +5 deg.  At first I didn't know why it was overheating and I changed the thermostat out in the driveway with -4 deg temps (not wind-chill).  It wasn't the thermostat, and then I figured the water pump so I changed the timing belt and a few other things while I was elbow deep in the engine bay trying to change the water pump.  This time I moved into the garage, but it was still below freezing in there with no heat.  I had to drink my beer fast not because I was worried about it getting warm, but to keep it from freezing.;-)  Nothing like breaking me into Wisconsin life the right way huh?
Parent - By waynekoe (**) Date 01-31-2008 00:25
When I lived up in Fairbanks, had to put in a new water pump on my Blazer on day. -30F, no wind chill. The coldest I ever saw it  while I was there was -72. But that was a few years ago, back when it still got cold. Particularly at this time of year, the January/Febuary cold snaps. Temps would hit -50F, -60F and just sit there for about two, three weeks. Only move a degree or two either side the whole time. Then the ice fog would settle in. I've moved to a much warmer clime now, down in the banana belt of the Mat-Su out of Anchorage. It was a blustery -10F when I left for work this morning, by the time I got to the air base it had warmed up to +3. No rest for the ironworkers today.

Kix, I know that I don't have to tell you about blocking off your radiator, so I won't. Wayne
Parent - By waynekoe (**) Date 01-31-2008 01:36
4:30 and still have sun sunshine! come on break up!
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 01-31-2008 02:00
yall ainft gonna like me after this but i just have to tewll ya yesterday it was 84 degrees where i work 30 miles north of laredo in texas and 75 at the house 35 miles south of san antonio sorry guys  but today it was in the low 40's and high 50's right now it's 54
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 01-31-2008 02:07
Man I can't believe it's staying that warm in Texas.  Hey Waynekoe, are those some C-17'S in the background of your picture.  Are you Iron working on a base?
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 01-31-2008 02:10
last week it was in the 30's
Parent - - By rig welder6 (**) Date 01-31-2008 02:43
where in wi are you at? i,m from there
Parent - By thewelder (***) Date 01-31-2008 04:10
now is in the high 40's but it's goin to be colder to low's 40's, but it's alot better then other place.
Parent - By Kix (****) Date 01-31-2008 14:11
I live in Hortonville, Wi.  About 15 min NW of Appleton.  I work in Clintonville which is further North.  Where in Wi are you at?
Parent - - By waynekoe (**) Date 01-31-2008 04:54
Sorry the picture is sooooooo big. I'll get the hang of freaking computer one of these days. And to answer your question, yes to both. I'm the SI on a C-17 dual bay hanger complex on Elmendorf AFB here in Anchorage.Though, this project had some very serious design problems from the getgo, things are getting back to normal. If I can figure out how to make the pictures smaller, I'll attach more. It's been an interesting project.
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 01-31-2008 14:08
Yeah I'd like to see some more pics of Alaska.  I'd really like to get out there and experience all it has to offer.(yes even the the -30 deg days not including the wind-chill)  I almost packed up and went out there to work a big power plant job, but I chickened out because I was just starting to get involved with the girl I'm now married to.

     Wow, +5 in NM and your that far south.  I know it gets cold and snows in the northern parts of AZ, but I haven't heard anything about how NM gets.  Are you close to northern AZ Mblaha?
Parent - By MBlaha (***) Date 02-08-2008 04:23
I am in the San Juan Valley, about 50 miles straight east of the 4 corners.

Parent - By ctacker (****) Date 02-08-2008 04:50
I was raised in flagstaff AZ. if I remember right, the whole town knew the tacker kids :) , and no one was allowed to play with us!
Parent - - By MBlaha (***) Date 01-31-2008 06:34
It wasn't -30 below in NM today, but right now at 11;30, it is around 5 above and teh wind which has nothing to stop is is whistling though this power plant which is not enclosed, blowing flyash everywhere, and they are still up there working. My son is working at the Portage power plant and he said it was terrible there this morning and evening. Still wish I was back there. Oh well, at least my wife is down here visiting and seeing it is not all warm and fuzzy like she was jealous of me being in while she was stuck in Wisconsin lol.

Have a great day

Parent - - By swnorris (****) Date 01-31-2008 17:59
Man, you guys don't know what cold is.  Where I grew up, it was so cold, if the thermometer had been just a little bit longer, we would all have been dead.  I remember on school mornings, I would get up, put on my skates, and go to the bathroom.  When I turned the shower on, it would hail.  I'd hurry to get dressed, grab my flannel notebook, and head out the door.  I had to kick a hole in the air just to get outside.  If it was foggy, the fog would freeze and I had to tunnel my way to school.  At school, all the kids were telling these outrageous and incredible lies, hoping their pants would actually catch on fire.  Nobody threw spitballs because someone could have been killed.  On the way home from school, it would sometimes take me two hours to walk one block, because my shadow kept freezing to the sidewalk.  I tried to pick it up so I could keep on going, but it shattered.  One day I thought I had a rock rattling around in my boot, but when I stopped and took it off, it was just one of my toes.  I used to go out of my way and walk by the park on the way home just to watch the squirrels throwing themselves at an electric fence.  Snowflakes would freeze in the air.  Sometimes the squirrels would jump from a tree onto the snowflakes, and then leap onto the electric fence.  When I'd get bored with the smell of fried squirrel fur, I'd start walking again.  Once I saw a hitchhiker holding up a picture of his thumb.  When I'd get to our driveway, I'd grab the mail out of the box on the way in, but it would always break before I got to the house with it.  We couldn't read our newspaper until it thawed out.  The publishers started making up the news and printing the papers a day early so we could read them on time.  Sometimes they were right.  When I finally walked through the door, I couldn't speak.  My words just froze in mid-air.  I had to gather up all the sentences, take them to the fireplace, and thaw them out before anyone could hear me.  Mom always had chores waiting for me when I got home.  She'd tell me to take out the garbage, but it didn't want to go.  I'd get mad at it and make an ugly face, and it really did stay that way.  I guess mom was right after all.  At dinner time, she used to put frozen pizza in the oven.  25 minutes later we ate frozen pizza.  Sometimes, flames would freeze in the fireplace.  Mom would break them off, grind them up, and we'd use them for seasoning on our frozen pizza.  For dessert, we had Jello crunch.  I could eat all the ice cream I wanted to eat, as fast as I wanted to eat it, and still not get brain freeze.  If I got sick, mom would give me either a block of chicken soup or a Nyquil popsicle before bed.  If I peed my jammies, Dad would have to chisel them off me.  When it was bedtime, I got to stay up late because I always had to wait for the pee in my jammies to thaw out from the night before.  I remember I used to go to sleep by candlelight, but one night the flame on the candle froze, so I threw it out the window.  When it thawed out in the spring, it burnt the barn down.  Aahh.  The memories of my childhood.
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 01-31-2008 18:26're killing me.. :-)
Parent - By fbrieden (***) Date 01-31-2008 19:22
8 degrees outside, 78 degrees in my basement with the wood burner, playing my Takaminie 12 string, and drinking Mich Ultra. Thank God it's winter!
Parent - - By waynekoe (**) Date 01-31-2008 23:58
Don't forget about walkin to school in the snow, bare foot, up hill, both ways!
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 02-01-2008 03:43
There's no place like New England! Moderate weather year round! Not too hot in the summer and not too cold in the winter.

A few days above ninety is a summer heat wave and a few days below zero is horrible too even think about!

Today was in the high 30's and I was down to a sweat shirt inspecting in the bright winter sun! Tomorrow is freezing rain (maybe), but Saturday will be in the 30's again. I can live with that easily.

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 02-01-2008 03:47
Took me twenty minute to read because I couldn't laugh and read at the same time.

Parent - By ason1965 (*) Date 02-07-2008 21:17
I can't believe they let you take a pic. of a flightline. Heck, I'm a pilot and would get jacked up if they caught me with a camera on the flightline.

Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / -40 and -50 below wind chills here in Wisconsin. burrrrrr

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