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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Alberta 'B' pressure test
- - By BigRed (*) Date 01-31-2008 04:36
  Are you aloud to run a hot pass with 6010 on this test, or is it all 7018 after the root.  Aswell, after this test, are there others such as a downhand welding, or do they except your out of province tickets once you have your Alberta B.  For example the BC pressure ticket pwp 11.  Thanks for any help.

Parent - By welder5354 (**) Date 01-31-2008 05:02
Sorry Tom, no hot pass with 6010.  All 7018 after first pass.  I',m from the atlantic provinces,
so i know alberta won't accept our tickets.  You will be tested according to what the contractor
needs you for; so that could be smaw/gtaw (chrom or SS or CS).
Parent - By downhandonly (***) Date 01-31-2008 05:58
after you do your b, you can go to grb in edmonton and get a ticket for anything you can think of. mostly useless pieces of paper cause you'll  have to do a job test anyway but most places want a smallbore and a heavywall to get you started.
Parent - - By JescoPressure (**) Date 01-31-2008 17:48
lots of guys grind out the bead on their initial b but when you thin it out you can't put as much heat into it with your first fill pass. i found it better to leave as much of the root in as you can and knock down the high spots on the stops and starts and weld  hot with your fill pass and make sure you stagger to not put anouther stop and start on a root stop and start. You wont get much work with just your initial b you'll need atleast a small bore ticket (2" 6g) to cover you pipe diameters. Lots of companies will test you on a small bore just as a employment test. If you go work in a piping shop or vessel shop you can get the test for free when they hire you on, then you can use it for yourself ;) But check with ABSA some provinces have transferable pressure certifications because i looked into it . Your bcp 100 should transfer this also transfers both ways in Sask too. Thyre is a list on the ABSA website.
Parent - By BigRed (*) Date 01-31-2008 19:08
  OK, thanks for the info guys. 

Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Alberta 'B' pressure test

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