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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Technical Standards & Publications / I have a D1.6(2007) stainless steel question
- - By Kix (****) Date 02-07-2008 15:36
In sec 3 I'm trying to figure out if the base material 3cr12 sheet steel is in the prequalified status.  It says that 3cr12 is similar to 409 stainless which is not prequalified.  However, write-ups on 3cr12 say it is certified to ASTM A240 which is prequalified.  I do not really comprehend table 3.2 all that well yet so bare with me here.  How is this table working here?  Are all the alloy designations that are in the same column as the A240 just alloys that are certified to ASTM A240?  So are any alloy's that are certified to ASTM A240 prequalified since it is listed in table 3.2?

    Thanks, Ray C.
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 02-08-2008 16:25
No takers huh? ;-)  bump
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 02-08-2008 19:12
My D1.6 is outta date too.....sorry.
Parent - By motgar (**) Date 02-08-2008 19:01
I do not have any D1.6 books. 

Is the prequalified base metal tables similar to AWS D1.1?

Do the specification columns say anything about type or grade?

ASTM 240 Type ?

Does it list UNS S41300?

I did find some tech. data from Columbus Stainless.  It states that it is a 12% chromium utility ferritic stainless steel.  I can only assume the D1.6 would use the more common 300 series, austenitic stainless steels.  But you know how assumptions sometimes turn out.  Here is that data I found if you are interested in looking at it.
Parent - - By GRoberts (***) Date 02-08-2008 20:25
I only have the 1999 version, but according to Annex B, the only prequalified steels are those that nominally austenitic and normally produce a small amount of delta ferrite in autogenour welds.  So no ferritic stainless steels are pre-qualified.

As for the pre-qualified table (3.2), you first look for the alloy designation.  If you are looking for 304L (the first line in the table), it is prequalified if the 304L is certified to be A167, A213, A240, A249, or A276, A312, A403, A409, A473, A774, A778, A813, A814, or A851.  If it is 304L to some other specification, it is not prequalified.  The fact that A240, or A312 contain other alloy desingations is not relavent unless that alloy designation has the same ASTM spec listed in the same table.
Parent - By Kix (****) Date 02-08-2008 21:07
   Thanks a lot man for the info.  I have a much better understanding of what I'm looking at now.  Looks like the lab is going to make some more money off of us.;-)

  Thanks, Ray C.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Technical Standards & Publications / I have a D1.6(2007) stainless steel question

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