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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / F22 preheat
- - By shadowplay Date 02-18-2008 12:56
Dear sirs
Can you explain me if Preheat - Interpass- and Preheat maintenance are mandatory for
F22to F22 seal welds
or F22 + Stellite Overlay?
If Yes what temperature are ?

Many tahnks
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 02-23-2008 04:50
No disrespect "Shadowplay" but, you're going to have to give us much more information than you have given so far.
It would be better to give us more specific details such as: chemical composition of material, thickness, details on the "stellite overlay material, minimum amount of dilution required, etc. - in order for us to give you some suggestions. Btw, "Weldcome" to the forum! :)

Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 02-23-2008 06:20
F22 is going to fall either under an A182 or A336 Standard; UNS K21590.  Both are P5A materials, 2.25% Chrome, !% Moly.  Not exactly sure what the poster means by "seal welds."  I mean, of course I know what a seal weld is but am not sure what thickness he's working with, etc., etc., etc.,  Told him before in an identical thread he'd need to give us more information in order to give a proper answer.  On my site, we have a 200C MINIMUM maintained preheat but his might have different requirements.  Likely as not, he's working with a B31.3 Code, which requires a 350F (177C) minimum regardless of preheat.  Poster: if this is the correct code, see Table 330.1.1.
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / F22 preheat

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