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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / esab 353cv
- - By hogan (****) Date 02-20-2008 19:48
production is looking at purchasing a few of these. i was wondering if i could get any opinions on this machine or suggestions for an alternative? we mostly weld to D1 codes and use metalcore 045" and 052". welding on 3/16" to 2 1/5" carbon steel. larger welds are made with SAW.
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 02-20-2008 20:16 Edited 02-20-2008 20:25
Hello hogan, I have typically found the ESAB power sources to be very reliable and good performers,the inductance feature on some of their power sources can be a big plus when using the GMAW process, the issues that I have typically run into with these, is their wire-feeders, for whatever reason they don't seem to perform quite as well as some of the others out there. We have a fairly sizeable manufacturer in my area that used to be exclusively ESAB/Union Carbide equipped, they switched to all Blue, due to some of the issues that I spoke of above.
    One of the reasons that I tend to be a Blue fan in many instances has to do with their use of like parts regardless of machine type and purpose. Best example is their drive rolls, in many instances you can find machines that are 50 years old and of industrial application that use the same parts as some of their home type machines.
     Red has also been a good solid performer, but in our area they have lacked the service and technical support to be much of a contender. So when you are looking to change, upgrade, or otherwise alter your welding machine fleet, don't forget to consider service, parts availability, and technical support. Just a few items for consideration, I'm sure many others can add to these for your consideration. Best regards, Allan

     One other thing for your consideration, ask your sales rep. to provide you with a listing of some of the other shops in your area to speak to in regard to their satisfaction with these particular machines. If there are any issues, this will generally bring those to light. You can also get an idea of some of the other items that I referred to as far as technical support, parts, performance, and anything else. Have you shopped these with your suppliers? I believe there are more than one supplier in your area that could possibly provide these machines if you go this route.
Parent - By hogan (****) Date 02-21-2008 22:47
thanks for the input
Parent - By KSellon (****) Date 02-20-2008 23:04
When it is Linde/Union Carbide this brand was the cadillac. As far as the inverters, plasma cutters and feeders go--my personal opinion is Yellow means CAUTION.

Don't jump all over me, its my opinion.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / esab 353cv

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