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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / trail blazer 302 good buy ?
- - By millerman (**) Date 02-21-2008 23:40
buying a trailblazer 302 for haeyt use  mostly agg. fencing some tig  gate entrance  ect.
what are ta thoughts
Parent - By Mat (***) Date 02-21-2008 23:45
A guy I used to work with has one, and he's used it for similar things.  I don't have any personal experience with them though.
Parent - - By warmka weld (*) Date 02-22-2008 00:03
On my second 1 very good machine as far as i'm concerned.  They run wire very nice also.
Parent - - By millerman (**) Date 02-22-2008 21:04
thanks will pick up one4 2/29/08  i asked because had good luck with thier 225 but needed better arc  charaistics
Parent - - By bbwinc (**) Date 02-23-2008 04:41
had one for about two years or so,very nice! Had one problem with some circit board, when it was new,but other than that works great! What motor u going with? I have the Kohlor,and also have suitcase feeder and hf box for aluminum tig, have used them both and very happy! Good luck to ya!!!!!!!!!
Parent - - By warmka weld (*) Date 02-23-2008 15:58
how heavy of aluminum can you weld?  was thinkin about getting hf box for mine.
Parent - By bbwinc (**) Date 02-24-2008 01:36
I have not used the hf box to much to tell u its capability, have did all sorts of thin gage up to 3/16 I think it would do just fine on 1/4 . I am very happy with the weld quality almost the same as the machine in the the shop. If you need to no the maximum thickness it  can do i will check it out . Or if you call miller and talk to a tech for a (hf 251 ) i think thats what i have , they are very helpful ,have the # programed in my phone. Let me know if u need me to check it out for you, be more than happy . Let me know what size tungston?
Parent - - By cmays (***) Date 02-24-2008 02:25
3/8 is pushing it maxed out. Ive welded 1/2 wall pipe with mine but that was multi pass with a step groove( this was on aluminum). Keep both your leads short as possible and the exact same length running A/C for aluminum (w/HF251) and you can work anything up to 3/8 all day just fine. I run mine on just about everything I do. Never had a problem  GTAW, GMAW, FCAW, and SMAW .They are good machines.
Parent - - By bbwinc (**) Date 02-24-2008 03:12
How long are the leads,and what size cable?
Parent - - By cmays (***) Date 02-24-2008 03:52
If you want max welding aluminum I will hook up 50 foot of 1/0. Everything else off the truck I run 200 foot of  1/0 on +and 100 foot of 1/0 on - with fifty foot extension quick connected in if needed.
Parent - By bbwinc (**) Date 02-24-2008 05:14
Thanks i'll have to remember that!!!
Parent - By millerman (**) Date 02-24-2008 01:09
kohler my bobcat has been very dependable
what isues with the circuit board?
what suitcase works well
i do a lot of pipe fence and farm repairs
small stuff but have a lincoln sa 200 but like my ac powewr and i tig some  wanted the 4 pole  3 phase weld power the trailblazer has <like the linclon not the exact but close >
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / trail blazer 302 good buy ?

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