First post here, and really enjoy what all I learn from you guys. I worked for Colorado Energy at the Hobbs Generating Station for a little over a year, and a few months back, I rolled over to Eunice, had a couple o' beers, and talked to the Safety Manager for Rust Constructors, which, as I understood, is the General Contractor at the uranium enrichment plant. According to him, the plant was to come on-line with limited production sometime mid June or July of this year, with construction continuing for something like 5 more years. As for the Hobbs Generating Station, I was the Startup GF (gas turbine piping crew for first 7 months), for the last 5 months I was there, and took my ROF on July 18, and when I left, they were trying to hit the grid with both gas turbines and the steamer, but were having quite a bit of trouble with the air cooled condensers. (seems one of the fans slung a blade off, and now all blades and hubs and related hardware will be changed) As of day before yesterday, there were 6 people of my original crew of 46 still there. For all practical purposes, the plant is finished, except for the condenser fans, which will be replaced by an Austrian company.
When I was in Hobbs on this job, there was a newspaper headline something to the effect that "2nd Enrichment Facility Approved", but I have no details at all on that, and whether or not it was an expansion of the current facility that going up in Eunice.
One thing's for sure though. THERE IS NOT MUCH IN EUNICE, and for that matter, IN HOBBS!!! I'm very proud to be gone from there, although I will say, I made a helluva lot of money while there.
Good day to all!!