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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Technical Standards & Publications / Face Weld and filet weld
- - By geralderik (*) Date 03-07-2008 13:14
The face of the welding can be ground in the I finalize pair considering a welding of fillet multipase of 25mm of measure?.  In the reference 5,30 AWS D1.1 does not speak any restriccion about the grinding in it finalizes layer of welding.


Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 03-07-2008 14:29
The code requires the final weld to be at least as large as that specified by the drawing. How you produce the weld size required is not an issue. Therefore, if the weld is too large, it is assumed it is stronger than what is required to transmit the imposed loads. Welds that are larger than the specified weld size is not considered to be detrimental to the structure unless the weld interferes with the fit-up of another member.

If the weld is too large and it does interfere with a mating component, it is acceptable to remove the excess weld metal by grinding, machining, or other means.

Best regards - Al
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Technical Standards & Publications / Face Weld and filet weld

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