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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Any of you guys working up in the Northeast U.S.
- - By NWPAwelder (**) Date 03-08-2008 03:14
Hi guys, 

I have been on here for awhile now and mostly just like to read all of the posts that everyone has to offer up.  Definitely a lot of knowledge and experience on this board.  (Glad to have found it and usually check in once a day if time permits.) 
Anyway, I am located up in Northwestern Pa. (if you can't figure that one out from my handle.) and was wondering if there was anyone else from my neck of the woods on here or not.  I believe that there may be but not for sure. 
I am currently working for an outfit doing Natural gasline repair/replacement and service re-newalls, however the majority is plastic. (easy work but no challenge or job satisfaction other than the paycheck)
I am currently working on setting up my own rig truck, since having welded in a couple different disciplines for over 20 years off and on in various fields of labor with my last as being a mechanical technician for a medium density fiberboard mill and was wondering if any of you guys out there could or would give me an idea where current rates are for guys with their own rigs up this way.  I believe that I will need to get liability insurance as well as workmens comp. unless I am able to just hire on to an outfit looking for someone.  I am looking to do structural, pipe or whatever comes down the line that can be done with a portable rig set up with a '63 redface, although I must admit that downhill pipe is something a little newer to me and needs a bit more practice before I go try to test out for someone. 
I look forward to your questions and comments. 
Thanks everyone.
Parent - - By cyrus 07 (**) Date 03-10-2008 14:59
what town in the nw im from the north central
Parent - - By NWPAwelder (**) Date 03-10-2008 22:58
Mount Jewett.  How about you?
Parent - By cyrus 07 (**) Date 03-11-2008 12:44
the big city of Galeton not very far from you
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Any of you guys working up in the Northeast U.S.

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