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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / Union Questions
- - By adc.florida Date 03-10-2008 16:53
My nextdoor neighbor just recieved a very lucrative offer with Bechtel Power Corp to supervise pipework for the new power plant in Wisconsin, and he has been helpful in giving me pointers.  As he is leaving in 2 weeks for an 18 month contract I need to develop other support (where you guys come in).

I am interested in joining a union and have spent hours looking around on websites trying to figure out which one is right for me.  I have some experience in many areas (welding, fabrication, ironwork) and I think an apprenticeship program would be right for me. 

After my apprenticeship I am open to taking contract jobs that involve traveling . . . do local unions arrange this type of across-the-country work?

I currently live in Central Florida but will relocate in a few years.  Would I switch to a local union near me?

These are the sites I have been looking at:

I am really just looking for any advice and opinions from everyone for how to get started the right way.
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 03-10-2008 16:59
Iron Workers, SteamFitters, Boilermakers....... These apprenticeships will give you a depth of skill and knowledge that will carry you as far as you want to go.

A journyman in any of those trades will land on His/Her feet in any city in the country....
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / Union Questions

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