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Up Topic Welding Industry / Welding Fundamentals / Extended cabs - luxury or liability for rig truck
- - By Stringer (***) Date 03-11-2008 00:53
The standard cab short wheelbase looks most functional to me, but where do you put all those extra clothes, boots, food, and laptop gear? The crew cabs are probably out of the question, but what do you guys think about the extended cabs?
Parent - By RioCampo (***) Date 03-11-2008 03:05
I am in agreement with you from a functionality stand point. If you go chase rigs though, sitting in the front seat for 10 hours or so with your coveralls and boots and DVD player and everything else, well that is for the birds.
One other factor to consider is if there is a sigificant mileage difference? $4 per gallon will go alot farther at 16 vs 14 mpg.
Parent - - By makeithot (***) Date 03-11-2008 16:25
Standard short cab has no room for the coffee maker, micro wave and bunk not to mention rod oven wire feeder rain gear ,dry clothes, rifle rack , fishing rods and all the other sundry items that bring the comforts of home extended cab all the way not really sold on those crew cabs myself. if your burning desiel I can't see as to weather fuel economy is much different from one to the other.
Parent - - By 1mancrew (**) Date 03-17-2008 04:50
I have a Dodge 3500 with an 11' bed, but I would gladly trade a couple feet of bed space for a little more cab room. Thats my only gripe with this rig I'm in now.
Parent - By rig welder6 (**) Date 03-18-2008 01:47
4 door office,bed,kitchen, and livingroom for movies, and as previously said room for cloths, tools, pillows,more cloths and more tools. u get the hint. i love my 4-door.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Welding Fundamentals / Extended cabs - luxury or liability for rig truck

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