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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / LEED
- - By swnorris (****) Date 03-11-2008 13:55
Anyone out there involved in LEED projects that can explain the process and how it relates to the fabrication of structural steel? I've read a lot of the literature I googled.  I'd just like to hear from some of you who might have some actual experience from a steel fabricator standpoint.  I've been involved in only one LEED project.  That was several years ago and I don't clearly remember much of anything about it.  I guess my memory isn't what it used to be.     
Parent - - By mountainman (***) Date 03-14-2008 14:45
hey Scott, we are currently working on a LEED project and from our position as a fabricator there really isn't much to it. the general and the architects are the ones crunching all the info and numbers to get the best LEED ratings they can as far as what their goal is. to my knowledge we submit all our info for the materials that will be used and the paint that will be applied and they do the figuring from there, as far as recycled content, VOC's etc. they have many ways to score points in this system and i think all it takes is staying on top of and tracking everything that is recycled or taken to the dump post-construction, among other things. in the west i have noticed a very sizeable wave of green construction, as a fabricator once you get used to it, it's not too big of a deal ( or headache). the extra cost is usually in the owners court. hope it helps.

Parent - - By eekpod (****) Date 03-14-2008 16:31
Does it really mean anything though.  In theory it sounds like a good idea,  but in actuality does it matter?  I recycle the newsaper every day and all junk mail and such, but when it comes to big commercial projects it sounds more like there trying to make the public feel better about construction.  Just a thought,  Chris
Parent - By swnorris (****) Date 03-14-2008 16:58
Thanks mountainman


I recycle all my junk email, but it doesn't mean anything.
Parent - By mountainman (***) Date 03-14-2008 19:57
if you really think about it. all the leftover material, whether it be steel onsite due to a last minute redesign or a flat-out screwup that can't be used elsewhere or anything else laying around after the fact, i think is better to go just a little out of the way to get it to a recycler rather than filling up our dumps. nationwide that is a buttload of weight and area. sure it's a prestige thing for architects and local jurisdictions but it's good to know there are efforts being made to help reduce waste for our future. it's like a habit once you pick it up it's second nature from there. it does help and it does mean something very important and that is our great grandchildren won't have to dig through two feet of junk to get to bad soil just to plant a garden that will likely make them sick if they eat the fruits of their labor.  i am not a tree hugger, but i keep an eye out for things that i can do to help.

here's to the future,
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / LEED

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