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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / accredted welding school in Illinois/Iowa
- - By Jeffrey Grady (***) Date 03-13-2008 04:22
Hello Folks,
  I am currently attending Black Hawk College, in Moline ,IL. I am in their college credit welding program and getting the worst education in welding. my other required course work is top notch..i.e. basic mathematic review and Algebra, Geometry & Right angle Trig. My weld course is held at an area H.S. and the insructor seems to have NO drive to Insrtuct. Does any one know of a College credit welding school in the area of Moline, IL and davenport, IA.?
I need one that offers courses covered by Student aid programs.
thanks, Jeffrey
Parent - - By bakie Date 03-19-2008 02:39
Try the rockford area  rock valley community college mike or larry good people . 
Parent - - By Jeffrey Grady (***) Date 03-19-2008 03:36
Thank You for the heads up on this. I will look into this if things don't straighten out. I had a meeting with the Dept. Chairperson this afternoon before my math class. He had no idea there were problems in the welding cirriculum. If he isn't told there are problems would he know. it's a combination of students who either believe they are being properly instructed, or are too afraid to come forth and stand up for their education. I am a 42 yr old Man, who is changing careers. I have no time to be play games with my education.
  Do You trust the cirriculum offered at Rock Valley CC? I see that You are an Educator. If I were to attend Rock Valley and complete the program...would it be sufficient enough to be Hired on with Your Company? what "in the door" weld test do you require for employment?
Thanks for the Information.
Respectfully, Jeffrey S. Grady Sr.
Parent - - By RideKTM (*) Date 03-19-2008 11:54

I would highly recommend Arc Flash Custom Weld Training in Davenport, Iowa as I know the instructor
and he is top notch and will customize the training to fit whatever your needs are.

Parent - - By Jeffrey Grady (***) Date 03-19-2008 19:20
  Thank You for your response to my post. I had NO idea there was anything available in The Q.C. area, other than the Black Hawk College welding programs. One is held at The Arsenal Island training center, but they only offer a 6 week course in Production Mig. The course offered at The campus just plain S*cks! The instructor used to teach at Rock Island High School and now teaches at United Township High School in E. Moline. I don't know if he's just plain lost the love for welding or is burned out or maybe he doesn't really know that much about welding to properly instruct a College level course.
  Anyway, Thank You very much for the heads up about this available training. I called Andy and left a message.
If you go online to shop talk and look for my postings "My aweful Welding School experience"...You'll get a full appreciation for what a poor education I'm getting as far as weld shop time goes. Thanks again
Respectfully, jeffrey S. Grady Sr.
Parent - - By RideKTM (*) Date 03-20-2008 12:47

Glad I could help - I assume you got my e-mail I sent you then ?

  Andy does a very good job in weld training as he has the desire to teach whatever you need.

Parent - - By Jeffrey Grady (***) Date 03-20-2008 18:14
  Yes, I did receive your email. I Got a call back from Andy today. He is sending out the info about His weld course. Thank You for the Info.
Andy's out look on this area's pay scale is poor. He asked me if I would be able to relocate after completion of any weld training. Even if I decide to stay with Black Hawk's weld training, which he said isn't all that bad, I should get out of the Quad Cities to sell my skills for real money...not the $10.00 hr.
average pay for a welder in thr Quad Cities Area. Is the pay Considerably higher with Your company? Thanks For Your help in this.
Respectfully, Jeffrey S. Grady Sr.
Parent - - By RideKTM (*) Date 03-21-2008 14:26
Jeffrey - I sent you another email with more information.

Parent - By Jeffrey Grady (***) Date 03-21-2008 15:29
  I received Your email. Thank You for the information. At present I am still in the learning mode. In welding there is never a point when a person can say, " have learned all there is to know." You could probably expect that I would apply for a position in about 9-10 months. Maybe a year.  I won't apply until my skills are such that I don't get Laughed right off the site. I will work with Andy to customise a course of study that incorporates an emphesis on Lay-out and Fab. I will also stay with Black Hawk for the on Capmpus studies. These include Mathematics, precision measurement and Blue-print reading for welders. So, I'm going to be double schooling it for awhile...then Hang out my shingle. Thank You very much for your help in this matter.
Respectfully, Jeffrey S. Grady Sr.
Parent - By Jeffrey Grady (***) Date 03-22-2008 03:34
  Hello! I received a call from Andy again today. He states that You are the " The smartest man he has ever met concerning welding." He went on to say he has learned so much from You. I would love to relocate to the Muscatine area and work for your Co. I just need to sharpen my skills set, and get my Blueprint reading course completed this next semester. You mentioned the use of FCAW-G. My course at BHC, won't teach that...But, I have My Lincoln MIG welder in my garage set for FCAW-S. So, all I need to do is obtain sheilding gas, and practice- practice- practice. You mentioned 3G & 4G. requirements. I've only used Vert-down in FCAW, and haven't even tried overhead yet.  Will there be requirements for 5G & 6G? Are there posibilities of learning some of the more advanced methods while OTJ w/ Your Co.? Thanks for all the information.
Respectfully, Jeffrey S. Grady Sr.
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / accredted welding school in Illinois/Iowa

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