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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Hillary's kitchen sink
- - By swsweld (****) Date 03-15-2008 03:23
I hope this will stay civil like "the economy and war." thread has been.

Recently Hillary said she would throw everything including the kitchen sink. I don't know if she had anything to do with the Jeremiah Wrights(Baracks pastor and advisor) video taped sermons being aired but I think this will be fatal for Obama's campaign.

With messages that the USA deserved 9/11. That we are the same as Al-Qaida. That we created AIDS for a certain group of people. A message called "God d*** America." I'm leaving the racial comments out as I hope everyone else will. There are numerous anti- American comments to comment on without making it a race thing.

The media is already trying to make McCain equally as guilty as Obama because Rod Parsley and John Hagee (pastors but not McCain's' pastor) have endorsed McCain.

That is a huge difference from being a member and donating money to an America hating pastor for 15 years and not leaving. I thought it was over for Clinton but I think it might be over for Obama. Is he guilty by association? Obama had to have his arm twisted to denounce Farrakhan's hate message. He says he never heard any of these messages from Rev. Wright. If anyone proves that that is not true I would be amazed if Obama survives this scandal. Doesn't surprise me that his wife, after listening to J. Wright for years (not our J.Wright)
has just said that for the first time in her adult life she is proud to be an American.

Not that I'm voting for either of them. It has nothing to do with their gender or race. It's all very entertaining to me.
Keep it light please.

PS: If there are any plumbers on here from NY, Hillary needs a new kitchen sink.
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 03-15-2008 06:58
       My guess is that most of Obama's supporters will stay with Him and dismiss all of this as mudslinging. Facts are worth little in politics. We are supposed to believe that Obama would carry as much of the black vote if He was not a man with some colour? I never would have thought Hillary would have been so apoligetic. I am not voting for either of them either.
Parent - - By swsweld (****) Date 03-15-2008 09:55
Yes, the true supporters will not leave him neither will a die hard dem vote for a rep. His biggest selling point until now has been his judgement. i.e. he was the only one of the remaining three that did not vote to go into Iraq. Now his judgement is tarnished. To stay a member of hate mongering church for years proves that.

I did not hear Clinton's response. McCain took the ultra high road with no criticism of BHO. They both will probably let the media do the damage and keep their fingers crossed that it will be enough to bring him down off of cloud 9.

One of the three will be our president and commander and chief for the next four years and I hope we pick the best of who's left.
Parent - - By Root Pass (***) Date 03-15-2008 11:47
I sure miss Fred Thompson.
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 03-15-2008 13:38
John Edwards quit the race too soon. He should have stayed in the race a while longer.

Other than "change", what has Obama offered?

Hilary is more Republican than Democrat.

Will McCain last the full term of office?

I believe it is time for me to throw my hat into the ring. I couldn't do any worse than the three candidates still standing. I have nothing to offer other than I haven't been in office before so I haven't been tainted by any sex scandal (all three children at least look similar to me), I don't have any money from special interest groups, I haven't been indited or investigated by a special prosecutor, I'm not allied with a political chum that bought the land next to my house so I could afford to buy one that I couldn't possibly afford on my salary, I haven't been in office so I don't have any alliances with unsavory characters or accepted paid holidays from a large corporation or special interest.

Vote for Al!

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 03-15-2008 17:32

You are an unrepentant Communist! 

Only a Communist could consider Hil to be "more Republican than Democrat"

I vote for "None of the Above"
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 03-17-2008 16:21
All the communists are unrepentent. And they're all still around doing the same things. They're just working for different organizations. They didn't just go away because the Wall came down and the Soviets took to their Dacha's.
They're called "Watermelons" now. Green on the outside red on the inside. Wanna find some ex communists. Look to the radical environmental movment. The letter heads have changed but the names are all so familiar.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 03-15-2008 22:48
Don't be surprised when you get some write in's.
Parent - By arrowside (**) Date 03-16-2008 12:21
I was just reading that McCain is considering Colin Powell as a running mate. That could be a huge turn of events for the Repubs. Not that McCain is a repub., but we'll leave that alone for now.
Parent - - By Plasma-Brain (**) Date 03-16-2008 17:29
Al, you got my vote, unrepentant Communist or not.
With the way the other 2 parties are running things, maybe a communist wouldn't be a bad thing. ;)

You seem more than qualified; in fact I think you're over qualified to hold a public office. I mean jeez, no scandals, no underhanded deals, no investigations, what's the media supposed to do with you? 
From the sounds of it you'd actually have time to do what politicians are supposed to do, which is unheard of.
A politician who actually cared about the public, what a novel idea....

throwin my copper in the hat,
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 03-16-2008 19:17
All I need is another 9 999 more signatures and I'm on the ballot!

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 03-17-2008 00:46
make that 9998
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 03-17-2008 02:40
Every one counts!

Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 03-17-2008 13:54
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 03-17-2008 16:07
If Hillary is more republican than democrat then why did the ADA (Americans for Democratic Action) an extreme left wing watch dog group give Hillary a 96.5 vote rating. Only two points behind Obama Bin Laden's 98.5? This means that 96.5% of the time she voted left. You'd be hard pressed to find any republican even close to that.
Man you cannot listen to what comes from that mouth of hers.
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 03-17-2008 19:04
Are they connected to the "fast boat" group?

Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 03-17-2008 21:18
No but they are well connected to other illustrious republicans such as Leahy, Kennedy, Dean, Boxer, Feinstein, Waxman, Kerry, Edwards, etc. Thats a pretty good list of staunch conservatives.
If your litmus is Stalin.
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 03-19-2008 07:50 Edited 03-19-2008 08:07
Since you mentioned Stalin :) :) :) (Yeah Joe! This time I'm guilty as charged!!!)

It's time for another revolution in this great land of ours... Only this time, I say we adopt the best of what does & doesn't work with respect to handing out punishment to these "knuckleheads" that pretend to represent us in both houses of Congress...

One of the best ways of handling incompetent representatives who go to great lengths to serve the special interests exclusively with the intent of acquiring huge profits for the few, as opposed to benefiting the majority of their constituents which is their true responsibility btw... Would be to round them up like Stalin did in his Soviet style purges, and send them up to a newly created "American Gulag" in the Alaskan wilderness where they can repent for their crimes by digging for oil with their cold, frozen bear hands!!! This place would also serve as an excellent replacement for Guantanamo Bay whereby, captured terrorists or their associates, dirty politicians, despots, etc. would cringe in the knowledge that they could potentially end up in the "Frozen Tundra" as opposed to the sunny,favorable climate in the island of Cuba. Quite frankly, I'm still flabbergasted that we haven't carpet bombed Iraq or Afganistan with pork blood & scraps yet??? This would serve as an excellent (IMHO) deterrent against the terrorists, and a heck of a lot less expensive compared to what we're using at the present time... Perhaps a modified form of "water boarding" whereby the water is replaced with pork blood, and whatever else these folks really fear!!! Hey, it worked for General "Blackjack Pershing" ;(

In other words, let the world know that we NOW mean business if anyone - foreign or domestic will really suffer the consequences of terrorizing the American people in one form or another... Subject to interpretation - of course ;) ;) ;) THE PUNISHMENT MUST FIT THE CRIME!!!

Yeah I know, it does sound very unrealistic but heck, my Grandma always told me that dreaming doesn't cost much ;) "Vote for me and I'll set you Free... Ball of Confusion!!! That's what the world is today hey - hey, let me hear, let me hear!!!" "Ball of Confusion!!!"

Seriously folks... I'll cast a vote for Al if he decides to run as an "Indie" ;) ;) ;)

Parent - - By OBEWAN (***) Date 03-17-2008 15:00
I am for whoever will give unconditional support to liquid coal production.  It used to be Obama, but he has caved in to the global warming alarmists.  Then it was Romney, but he lost the primaries.  Now, we really don't have a candidate that will give full support to this urgently needed energy supply.  McCain has no real energy policy.  Energy policy should be at the top of everyone's aganda in my book.
Parent - - By swsweld (****) Date 03-18-2008 00:27
McCain is for more nuclear power plants in the USA. That's better than the other two have to offer. It is so hypocritical when the Al Gores will pollute the earth more in one day with private jets than the regular guy will in a year. Then they will pay "carbon credits" to offset their lifestyle of pollution. Then they ask the commoners to cut back.
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 03-18-2008 19:58
Or the Al Gores will advocate the ratification of Kyoto (a treaty by the way that took Clinton a year to sign and only did so just before he left office which was then resoundingly-unanimously-rejected by the senate) while at the same time knowing full well there are 187 countries exempt, and that the poster child europeans are now failing to meet the maximum allowable levels of GHG's.
It will raise prices here, impinge upon our standard of living (not his), and drive us down to the level of the third world.
Its not hypocracy. Its criminal.
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 03-18-2008 05:39
A viable energy bill will have to GET to whoever is president before they even have a chance to pass it.
Parent - - By OBEWAN (***) Date 03-18-2008 13:46
You took the wind out of my sails.  That is exactly how I feel about this election.  Even if we get someone with a good energy policy, it would be a fight getting it passed.  Still, since I am so heavy on liquid coal stocks that have tanked lately, I need to at least roll the dice to get a pro-liquid coal candidate in office.  If it was Barak, at least we would stand a chance of having some influence on the democrats who are global warming alarmists.  It won't happen though becasue Barak has caved in to the pressure.  He got torn between his home state coal interests and the GW fear mongers.
Parent - By Stringer (***) Date 03-19-2008 04:05
Maybe a write-in candidate could win this time. In any case I'm going to celebrate the election results for three reasons... 1. The elections are over. 2. Odds and probability dictate that the new guy couldn't possibly do worse and 3. I like celebrating.
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 03-19-2008 04:17
      I think there is enough support for the Democratic party in general, by tree huggers, environmentalists, environmental alarmists, animil  rights groups, etc. that None of them [Democrats] dare support digging or drilling anything anywhere within 500 miles of any part of the US, or burning anything other than hydrogen and the time that We really don't have to waste.

      I usually don't watch much TV [other than "The Simpsons"] but the days immediatly following chemo I use the "tube" to pass time. Last summer/fall I was looking at "C Span" and did happen to see one of Our representatives from Pensylvania lamenting what He called the "No Energy Bill" The point He was making is that of all the things an energy bill should cover, the bill that was working it's way through the system dealt with NONE of them.
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 03-19-2008 13:23
I find my way to C-Span occasionally. Much of it is a snooze fest but every once in awhile there is something really good there. The bulk of the news is just absolute garbage. Fear mongering, panic mongering, rampant negativism, and just too dayum much Britney Spears. Good God!!!
But I tell ya, I think its our fault. The most important thing to the news is money, based upon advertising dollars(even above their political biases-though in the print media the New York Times is proving that their political bias is more important than money given their recent financial straights). If the advertisers didn't think there was enough audience to justify the price of commercial time they wouldn't pay it. Clearly the advertisers think what is presented is what the viewers want.
Somehow I think there are a lot of viewers out there with little more sophistication than the satirical television audiences portrayed in such movies as Robocop and Idiocracy.
Parent - - By Plasma-Brain (**) Date 03-19-2008 16:24
I could watch C-span for hours and laugh my arse off at it if not for the fact that those people have some form of control over my life...
Otherwise it would be better than watching a bunch of drunken monkeys fight over a bannana.
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 03-20-2008 23:35
drunken stupid monkeys at that
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 03-20-2008 05:36
" The bubble headed bleach blond comes on at 5, tells You 'bout the plane crash with a gleam in Her eye, It's intersting when people die. Give us dirty laundry." Remenber that song? pretty much tells it all.
Parent - By swsweld (****) Date 03-20-2008 00:00
This week on HNN Glenn Beck had a regular guy on his show that was really being hurt by fuel prices. At the end of that segment Glenn held up a tee shirt with a picture of a Caribou on it and said that he was going to send it to the guy. He then said to the guy, " If you are anything like me you would drill through the head of this Caribou to get to the oil in Anwar."
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Hillary's kitchen sink

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