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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / Need help selecting Welding School
- - By Jayo Date 03-18-2008 21:15
I have a bit of trouble selecting where I should go to train to become a welder. I have an interest in Hobart institute or somewhere similar. I have done a night course in stick, GMAW and mig welding but it is very basic. I want to be able to train to the 6G postion in GMAW especially but I am not sure if it is covered in a short course. My main problem is that I have enough funds to last me about a year in the states or Canada but anything over this I feel would be too much. If I did a nine month course most places seem to say that I would be qualified to either C level in Canada or journeyman in America, would I be qualified to do vertical welding or anything other than flat welding? If I trained to this level what would the employment opportunities for someone at this level? I would find it hard to stay in the country after this so I would really need to know if I could afford to stay, or if I'd even be allowed to stay. I am from Ireland so have to pay international student fees but I don't mind as I think the training in the States/Canada are of a high quality and it is impossible to get a similar course in Europe plus I would love to live abroad for a while. Any suggestions or comments will be greatly appreciated, thank you for your time.

Parent - - By slb4175 (*) Date 03-27-2008 06:36
4m welding school in tulsa oklahoma usa i dont know much about them but herd very good things about them

i went to tulsa welding school im not bashing them but i think things could have been better
all i have to say is they teach you how to pass the test and by redoing the same plat/pipe you are suposed to lurn to weld
but i have been welding for 2 years now and im still lurning

best of luck

Parent - By Jayo Date 03-29-2008 13:12
thanks for the advice
Parent - By psyco33 (**) Date 03-30-2008 20:11
used 4m to take my Oklahoma Steam Card test  125 bucks for test  here , in Tulsa.
then 25 I believe for card  good for a year.
John K
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / Need help selecting Welding School

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