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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / PLEASE HELP SOMEONE FROM MINNESOTA!!! ABOUT SCHOOLING!!!!
- - By Alex Breuer Date 03-19-2008 00:30
Hi i am writing because i am about to sign up for a vocational-tech welding school i live right in the suburbs of the twin cities and theres a lot of schools to choose from. Thats my problem? some offer diplomas/certificates and i think theres some that actually offer associates degrees in welding. does anyone out there from Minnesota have any suggestions? or does anyone from Minnesota know of a school that i should attend? please help it would make it a lot easier i don't want to end up regretting it in the future. anyways thanks a lot for your time Alex-
Parent - By stanantonio Date 05-02-2008 05:21
hey alex if you want to go into the piping field any pipe specialty school will do. A two yr degree is a well rounded ed.  All though a schooll that does nothing but pipe is a good way to.  One is Two yrs and the other maybe as little as six months.  the advantage to both is that the two yr is well book oriented and well rounded.  The other is a pipe school your out in six months and then your making money.  My suggestion to you in the minniapolis area.  Do a six month pipe school. Then Join the pipefitters union there in minniaplosis as an apperentice.  There they will put u into there schooling and you will be able to make some cash as well. Plus it is very union strong there.
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / PLEASE HELP SOMEONE FROM MINNESOTA!!! ABOUT SCHOOLING!!!!

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