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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / My First pipe certification.
- - By Tnwelder (**) Date 03-20-2008 02:09
Hey guys,

Today I passed my first 6G pipe test.  My Instructor told me to put it together and we would test it.  I took the test with Tig root and hot and capped out with 7018 1/8.  It was on 6" pipe also.  Now im going on to the 7018 cert.  That is the main test used in my region, but I have a question.  How often do most of you guys use 7018 root and cap out.  Do you use tig root and hot more often.  The reason I ask is to get an idea of the process used out on the job.  Please add anything else if you want, im sure it will help me.

Parent - By cpopham (*) Date 03-20-2008 02:15
I've been welding for 15yrs and have never used 7018 for the root. Mostly tig or 6010.
Parent - - By Robert Turney (*) Date 03-20-2008 02:16
Congrats on your certification.  Never have seen that test but have heard about it.  I dont weld with any thing but 6010 root pass all thed way out to my cap.  Like to try a 7018 on pipe.
Parent - By chris2698 (****) Date 03-21-2008 03:27
I've heard of a 7018 root heard it was pretty hard
Parent - - By am0resperr0s1 (*) Date 03-22-2008 02:26
Hey there, Congratulations on your certification! "There is nuttin' finer, that a pipe liner!" ; ). I agree with "cpopham" I've been welding for a while now, and we either Tig weld  all the pipe! Or ROOT pass the pipe with TIG, and cap  with 7018, or ROOT with 6010, and cap with 7018!
Parent - - By 1mancrew (**) Date 03-22-2008 14:07
I took a 6", 6G test about 2 wks ago with a 6010 root and 8010 fill and cap. 6 straps. 2 tensile, 4 bend. Had one little crack in a face bend but was not over the limit. Get this! They made me hammer the darn thing flat to see if it would open up any further. It didn't so they put me to work the next day. That was a new one on me though.

Congrats on passing your test.

GH Weidman
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 03-22-2008 19:17
Aside from -extreme- pressure, I don't understand the need for an lh root.

Someone explain this to me..........
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 03-22-2008 19:51
Try hydrogen induced cracking. If you are around a lot of sour service pipe, the root will be either TIG or LH. If you cant control the conditions, wind, you have only one choice and that is LH. Guys who work in refinery and sour gas procesing plants put in LH beads day in and day out. Kobe 7016 was designed for the root pass. I have tested a few who can put the root in with 7018 but most use the 7016 because it is easier. When you know what you are doing you set your machine and none of that up 5 down 5 stuff. A welder who runs 7018 can learn to run the open root bead in a short time. Nine times out of ten the reason most welders fail the test is too small root opening, running too hot and wanting to run too fast (heat). IF you are going to test with LH open root, remember Kobe 7016!
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 03-24-2008 13:18
And kobe is an uphill rod?
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 03-24-2008 14:34
Yes, KOBE 7016 would go in uphill and not downhill. 
Parent - - By jonesythebrit (*) Date 03-26-2008 05:13
i'm certified with lh root, used it alot on the rigs in the  north sea/Scotland and Norway, great way to run a bead when you get used to it and your right the Kobe is a great rod. Another realy good LH rod/electrode is the Pillips 56s (7018), nice and smooth for a LH. Don't forget a nice wide open root gap on a 6" in 6G, slightly wider at the top than the bottom, thet test piece will close on you other wise, and there will be nothing you can do about it. Especialy with LH's.

WELL DONE ON THE FIRST CERT! keep it going.  
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 03-26-2008 12:00
Lincolns Excaliber 7018's put a root in with ease on A/C polarity.   Not to many place know about the A/C trick and don't qualify ant procedures for it.
Parent - - By jonesythebrit (*) Date 03-26-2008 13:51
a/c, ah that old chesnut, forgot to metion that to the newbee, thank you kix
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 03-27-2008 15:14
Neato. I spose you learn something every day. If'n I ever have to test with an lh root, I know what to do. Thanks guys........
Parent - By medicinehawk01 (**) Date 03-27-2008 23:27
Back in the early 80's, a certain New England state required a LH or 7018, root, fill & cap and I did pass it, but it was hard. Now, some 24 years later, I have goofed around and to my surprise I can put in a nice LH root. Never had to do it in the field though.......either 6010 root or E 70S Tig root & hot pass. Now I hear that state gives you the option to run either 7018 or 6010 for your root. I know which rod I'd use.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / My First pipe certification.

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