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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / Pay rate for a new welder?
- - By Seth Michaud Date 03-20-2008 22:55
Background info about myself: I am 18 years old. I have been going to a tech high school through my past 4 years. I currently have a co-op job which is instead of going to school for a week i go to the work and learn training and get paid at the same time.

The question is how much should i ask for when i start full time. I have talked to my boss and he agreed to bring me on full time with full benifits and everything else. He just wants me to come up with a figure. He is pleased with the work i do and has no complaints. I am always early to work and never miss a day and even work overtime when he asks me too. I gave a full school summer to him without missing a single day only one week off for a vaction. And i feel that i have been doing very well. he is even thinking about putting me on the water jet and running that. So i was just curuois what i might be able to get. I some what know how to tig weld but i will be taking night classes to help me out there. But everything else im pretty good at. I am currenlty making 10 dollors and hour and working 40 hours a week. I was thinking about asking for 16-17 bucks and hour not to sure. I and in northern mass. Leominster and the company i am working for is called E.T. Duvals and Sons. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 03-20-2008 23:36
Hello Seth Michaud, I am not familiar with what could be termed "the going rate" for your area, however I would tend to say that your employer is being pretty fair with you in paying you $10.00/hr. while you have been doing the co-op. After all, you have been learning at the same time you have been working and as well you are likely earning some educational credits at the same time. As to your question of a fair wage to request once you start full-time. You may want to see if you can "feel the other workers out" to determine where they started, this may give you a reasonable feel for what you should ask for as a starting wage. Without having an idea of wages in general for your geographical area I would be hard pressed to tell you whether $16/$17 is fair or not. I am also making an assumption here that this is a non-union shop, so likely, they aren't offering the type of wages that a union shop might be paying. This is just my take and by no means implies that my views are correct.
     It certainly sounds as if you have been a valuable addition to this company and they have been satisfied with your performance. You probably have the best sense of your worth in this situation, so let this be your guide when you are proceeding here. Best regards, aevald
Parent - By elliott (**) Date 03-21-2008 00:25
Welcome to the forum.I live in mass also and started in welding about year ago. The company that i work for started me out at fourteen dollars an hour, not having any real world welding experience,just some tig and mig in the garage  but nothing major. If you have any type of certs I wouldnt heistate about asking for 16-17 an hour.Always start a little higher than you want.If you keep coming to this site you will learn alot about all the different processes to,everybody on hear is worth there what in gold if you ask.
good luck,
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / Pay rate for a new welder?

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