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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / Weld test/training station
- - By jrw159 (*****) Date 03-24-2008 15:35
I am in the proccess of installing a welder training/testing station in our facility. I have a pretty good idea of what I want, but being the open minded person that I am and also understanding the vast amount of resources and knowledge that are available in this forum, I would like to respectfully request input from everyone interested or having past experience in this area for ideas, photos, and anything else that would be benificial in the construction and final usability of this station. I plan on using this station to not only train and test welders for quality purposes, but also for welding, grinder and torch safety as well as ability to follow instructions, both verbal and written, IE blueprint and procedure. This station will have our new calibration station as well. BTW thanks to everyone for the great ideas for this calibration station. When it is complete I will post photos.

Thanks in advance
Parent - - By weld7320 (*) Date 03-29-2008 14:28
You may want to keep the blueprint/procedure area separate from the hands on work area.  Also, make sure you have enough room for test plates, practice plates, etc.  My facility has a test area but not enough room for materials so it gets a little dicey keeping enough materials stocked AND organized.
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 03-31-2008 13:29
Good idea. I had thought about storing my test pieces in a locked cabnet so the they will not get used for practice. Thanks for the input.
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / Weld test/training station

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