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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / welding procedure qualifications
- - By dburning Date 03-25-2008 21:05
Hello all,
I have a question regarding WPQ's. We are at the beginning of a project , using a modular contractor. Our specs call out:
Each Contractor performing welding shall record in detail and
qualify the welding procedure specification for any welding procedure
followed in the fabrication of weldments. Conform qualification of welding
procedures to AWS D1.1/D1.1M and to the specifications in this section.
Submit for approval copies of the welding procedure specification and the
results of the procedure qualification test for each type of welding which
requires procedure qualification. Submit this information on the forms in Appendix E of AWS D1.1/D1.1M. Individually identify and clearly reference on the detail drawings and erection drawings all welding procedure specifications, or suitably key them to the contract drawings. In case of conflict between this specification and AWS D1.1/D1.1M,
this specification governs.
The contractor supplied WPS's for 13 applications of welds, and welder qualification test records for 23 employees dated from '05-'07.
Do these documents qualify as WPQ's?

Thank you for any and all help in this,

Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 03-25-2008 21:50
you have two choices 1) the contractor can use a prequalified wps from section 3 of aws d1.1, or 2) qualify a wps (perform a pqr) to section 4 of aws d1.1. you need to determine if qualification is required.

[Submit for approval copies of the welding procedure specification and the
results of the procedure qualification test for each type of welding which
requires procedure qualification]

if a prequalified wps is used, no testing of wps is required.
Parent - - By swnorris (****) Date 03-26-2008 10:52 Edited 03-26-2008 10:56

You'll need to review the submitted WPS's and the welder quals. to verify that they meet D1.1 criteria and the contract requirements/job specifications.  Sometimes they do not.  A couple examples:

A supposedly "prequalified" WPS that shows amp range beyond the manufacturers recommended range.  (The WPS is not prequalified, and if the range on the WPS is to be used, a PQR will be needed).  

A welder qual. shows he/she tested for groove welds using a 3/8" thick test plate, but there are groove welds on the job on 1" thick material.  (The welder is not qualified)

Also, ask for a continuity log for the welders.  If you have quals. dating back to 05', there should be some documentation to show that these welders have not had a performance lapse.
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 03-26-2008 14:45
Here's a catch 22 if I ever saw one:

"A supposedly "prequalified" WPS that shows amp range beyond the manufacturers recommended range.  (The WPS is not prequalified, and if the range on the WPS is to be used, a PQR will be needed)."

The WPS doesn't have to list either the manufacturer or the tradename of the electrode. Still, as SWN notes, exceeding the recommended amperage range for the specific electrode used is going to kick the prequalified WPS out and require qualification. Talk about legal mumbo jumbo.

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By swnorris (****) Date 03-26-2008 15:03

I totally agree.  We avoid that by listing the tradename of the electrode on our WPS.  Because we list the trade name, we had to revise our WPS when we switched from Lincoln wire to ESAB wire.  We also fabricate under the seismic code from time to time.    
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 03-27-2008 03:13
Once again, the welding standard sets the minimum requirements, a rather low bar.

I list the manufacturer and trade name only when there is something about the specific filler metal that warrants its exclusive use. Typically it is because I want the added benefit of high manganese when it has been established that the base metal has a sulfur content that is on the "high side".

I typically use AWS 5.X as a guide for the appropriate amperage range to list on the WPS rather than the manufacturer recommendations when generic SMAW electrodes electrodes will work. Shame on me. Maybe I need to be more selective.

Best regards - Al
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / welding procedure qualifications

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