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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / XMT 350 MPA
- - By TRC (***) Date 03-27-2008 00:35
Been pulling my hair out with this machine. I can only get a few LBS of wire out of it before it starts acting up. Seems like the liner starts to gaul and then of course the tip sticks. My local Miller guy has sold me a bunch of different guns (magic beans) still can't get any production. Tried spray and pulse same results. Weld sizes are 1/8, 3/16, and 1/4 " all just a couples long except for the 1/8's which a several feet so I don't think I'm over heating the 350 amp AC torches.
What kind on liners are you using and is anyone using this machine?
Parent - - By reddoggoose (**) Date 03-28-2008 15:12
A few questions

1. What brand and model gun are you using?
2. What wire classification and size are you using?
3. What feeder are you using?
4. What are you parameters?

I've run the the XMT 350 MPa on everything from mild steel to Incos without any trouble. Your issues are probably something simple.
Parent - By TRC (***) Date 03-28-2008 20:28
It's a brand new machine and a 22A feeder. The feeder came with a 15' Benard 300 amp air cooled. It worked for a couple of lbs and started having feed/ tip probs, changed out jump liner with out any improvs. Hooked up an Tweco 350 Tuff-n-lite 10' same thing. Had a Teflon liner shipped in today but won't be able to try it until Sunday.
Wire is .045 308L
Paras 20 /R196 with 38 on the arc control   Thank Red- Ted
Parent - By 357max (***) Date 03-28-2008 20:59
With the drive roller tension arm released; are you able to pull the wire through the gun, through and out the contact tube easily? If not start by taking the contact tube off and trying it. Then remove the goose neck & jump liner. Then the gun out of the feeder. Any changes?
The 22A is a two drive roller feeder and I use vee knurled drive rolls with very little pressure on the slippery stainless steel wires. Just enough pressure to "bite" the wire with out creating a rat tail file. Very little spool break tension, just enough so it doesn't free spool.
Parent - - By mooseye (**) Date 03-28-2008 22:15
I was going to suggest backing off on your drive roll pressure but I see that has been suggested. It seems it must be prior to the gun since it happened with multiple guns and liners. Do you have a wire lube pad on it? I don't usually use one since it seems to cause more build up in the liner. Are your drive rolls smooth or knurled?
Parent - - By TRC (***) Date 03-28-2008 22:25
Put the new teflon liner in 10' Tweco. No hang ups. Takes what feels like 10/15 lbs to pull wire through with rolls up. Lossened wire tension until almost free spooling. No luber. Happens with several different spools of wire/ different manufacts.
Parent - By mooseye (**) Date 03-31-2008 15:17
How is the alignment of the infeed from the drive rolls to the gun liner. This is a tough one to be happening with roll loose and different guns/liners. I have had some luck freeing up a liner by twisting it in the opposite direction of its wind and locking it with the set screw. This tends to open the liner up.
Have you tried the suggestion of removing components, starting with the contact tip, one at the time and checking. That is one of the best ways to narrow down the problem.
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 03-31-2008 18:56
How's the ground?
Parent - - By TRC (***) Date 03-31-2008 19:29
got the flu- be back in a couple days- Ted
Parent - - By TRC (***) Date 04-09-2008 00:10
Don't get sick very often but when I do!@#$%  OK, the teflon liner solved the problem. I welded all day yesterday and today without any problems. I only changed the tip one time just to be safe. Have burned almost a 30 lb spool of wire. Turned off the pulsed mode after reading Ed Craig's opinion on pulse verses straight cv and every thing even looks better. Thanks for your help- Ted

P.S. I now have another problem the shad and stripers are now on the Susquehanna Flats. I live so close to there that I thought I heard them calling me today- please advise- Ted
Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 04-09-2008 00:23
Hi Ted, on your P.S., I don't call that a problem, I call that an "OPPORTUNITY" Best regards, aevald
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 04-09-2008 00:57
STRIPERS???  Here I come!!  Wait, was that a walleye?........ NOPE, perch. Still good eatin' though.
Parent - - By TRC (***) Date 04-09-2008 01:09
Catch and release only for the American and Hickory shad. C&R for the stripers in this area until May then closed until 6/1 in this area. I agree, walleye is one of best eating fish around.
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 04-09-2008 01:15
Stripers and wipers are a heck of a fight though. Lots of fun! I have never really fished for or caught shad.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / XMT 350 MPA

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