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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / Getting paid?
- - By lilseth0014 Date 03-27-2008 23:43
Well i talked to my boss. And he is offering me $13.00 and hour straight out of high school. I am currently in a tech school and have been taking welding as a trade sense freshman year. I have been working at my current job as a co-op studetn for about a year now. And now he is ready to take me on full time when i graduate in may. He has offered me $13.00 and hour and i have 90% paid health insurance and he said it takes about $10-$11 dollors out of my check for the health insurance which is pretty good and can't find a better deal than that. He also said he will pay for a blueprint reading class at a local college. And he is glad to see my work and likes what i do. I do everything from cutting, shearing, forming, cleaning, painting, welding, helping, and mowing the lawn. Should i be excited about the pay raise or could i do better comiing out of high school?
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 03-28-2008 02:51
Are you happy?

A steady job with benefits that includes a diversity of things to work on and get better at seems pretty good to me.   Your boss likes you and your work.

I made 4 bucks an hour at my first welding job.
Parent - By swnorris (****) Date 03-28-2008 10:39
You can always do better, but $13.00/hr. out of h.s. is not bad at all.
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 03-29-2008 01:28
I remember when that was a decent wage back in the late seventies... The four bucks an hour that is!!!
Shooot!!!!Thirteen buck an hour straight out of high school, and your boss will pay for the blue print class???

Man do you have it made!!! If you keep your nose clean, and keep up the good work, show that you're constantly improving, I bet he'll even pay for some welding classes in the not so distant future. ;) ;) ;) IMHO, stick with this job and transform yourself into a human sponge!!! Learn and absorb as much as you can because, all of the effort you put into it now will more than pay for itself in again - the not so distant future!!!

Instant gratification never lasts a lifetime ;) Ultimately the choice is yours, and I hope you make the right/correct one. :) :) :)

Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / Getting paid?

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