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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Question on Test Papers
- - By 4JWelding (**) Date 04-04-2008 01:54
I recently took and passed my first pipe test in February that consisted of a 12" butt, 12" branch, and 2" 6G for Pioneer Resources.  We have been hooking up a compressor station in North Texas region.  It has not been a good experience for me mainly because of the Pioneer Company man.  He is on of those arragant type that "knows everything" and looks down his nose at everyone on location.  Grant it I sure as hell don't know everything but this guy has expected us to hook this compressor up and won't show us any of the blueprints.  He just feeds us bits and pieces to go by and then gets mad when pieces that have been fabed up don't work or don't have weld-o-lets or thread-o-lets where they are needed or whatever the case might be.  Then when we do get the pieces in place he changes his mind and want's to add a valve here or a check there and acts like we screwed up.  All this guy can say is if my welders where here from South Texas they would already be done or they would know what to do.  Last week he brought in another company with 2 other welders to "help us out".  We nearly finished the compressor today and he informed our Supervisor we wouldn't be needed any more after today the other company could handle the rest of it.  The work was supposed to last 10 months.  So after you've heard my little rant here's my question.  We asked about getting copies of our test papers a couple of days ago and he informed us Pioneer doesn't give out copies.  Is this a common practice or is this guy just being a ****head?  On top of not getting our papers we didn't even get paid for taking the test.  Someone please enlighten me.  By the way the two welders from the other company he brought in where pretty good guys they have been in the bussiness for a long time.  I did learn some good things from them.  They were there doing a job just like us. 
Parent - By cpopham (*) Date 04-04-2008 02:13
I have tested for many companies and only a few have given me a copy of my papers.  I believe it is at the company's discretion. Also some companies require that you have a copy on you at all times.
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 04-05-2008 01:41
Section IX welder qualification paperwork belongs to the contractor, not the welder. 1104 papers are usually only good for a specific project unless you work for the pipeline company day in and day out.
Parent - - By arrowside (**) Date 04-05-2008 12:25
It sounds to me like he didn't want you guys on "his" job to begin with. If you're being taken off the job anyway, what do you have to lose by going over his head? Maybe the person that you will end up speaking with above him doesn't like him either, and he will be the one that ends up "eating it". Hey, you never know.
Parent - - By chall (***) Date 04-05-2008 12:43
Agreed.  There is no reason to not give you something to indicate your certification with them.

We don't give the actual WQTR, but we do give a letter listing the pertinent infomation and the length of time employed. 

Most places that you will go to in the industrial world will require a test anyway, but at least if you have the past history you can get a quick interview and cut through some of the BS.

The guy is obviuosly a jerk and like the other reply says, maybe someone over his head will be more reasonable.

Parent - By 4JWelding (**) Date 04-06-2008 03:33
I got the name of the head man in charge over the North Texas Region on Friday and I'm going to call him Monday.  I talked to the 2 welders that where with the other company today that stayed and they heard the Pioneer company man that was giving us so much trouble was about to get runoff.  Apparently some of the things he had us do that he wanted didn't set too well with the higher ups.  Maybe he'll get a taste of his own medicine.  Appreciate the responses.  I learn something new everyday in this business.
Parent - - By makeithot (***) Date 04-07-2008 15:28
Just a question,Do not welders in the states serv an apprenticeship and hold their own tickets as a journeyman? or are you always behold'en to the company that you work for? How does one then achieve a status of journeyman if this is the case?
Parent - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 04-07-2008 22:12
Only if you are in a union and only if that union has a ladder progression. And some welding unions do not have progression. Here in the states, unless again you are looking for a union ticket, or happen to work and live in a right to work state, it is up to you to learn your trade/craft and test for companies. And in the oil/petrochemical worls a journeyman tick will only get you in the door. ASME Section IX requires the contractor to test the welders. Like a community college education, a journeyman ticket will only get your toseys in the door. YOu have to prove to the contractor/company/fabricator you can deposit sound weld metal.

And on non-union pipelines, you are only as good as your last weld.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Question on Test Papers

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