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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Airco welder rheostat
- - By sethag Date 04-09-2008 23:08
I too am new to this site and I am also looking for a part for an airco welder.  It's a 200 hornet special, made by P & H.  I can't find any real part numbers.  The welder model is 2DDC LMB C.  I need a rheostat that's 225 Watts, but I don't know the ohms (I checked it and the ohmmeter showed 8 ohms, don't know if that's right).  The Inst. Book is 1350. Don't have a Serial #.  I've tried everyone, and everything I can think of.  Can anyone help me???


Parent - - By timstv Date 07-25-2008 15:23
I have a unit like yours. I will measure the rheostat on mine and get back to you. I have a question though for you. Do you have the wiring diagram of your unit? It was probably on one of the cover flaps. If so, can you email a picture of it or if in a book email a copy of it in pdf format? I have other problems with mine and am trying to figure it out. I will eventually get there, but it would be a lot easier if I knew ahead of time what I should have...Thanks
Parent - By Root Pass (***) Date 07-25-2008 17:05
I saw this on another site dealing with Airco welders I don't know if this will help.

"Apparently "" has all the information (on Airco). It's a good site!"

"ESAB dissolved the Airco Product Line approximately 10 years ago. Arc Products in California bought the balance of stock we had and they continue to produce some items. They would probably be the only people that could help you. Their telephone number is 800-770-0063"
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Airco welder rheostat

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