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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / anyone ever bust atest this way
- - By hojopens3 (**) Date 04-16-2008 19:06
went to take test for pipeline yesterday, and this is what i did. test was 24" brother-in-lawed, 12" branch fab & weld, and a repair test. took my time and had a near perfect fit, tacked up and got ready to to run root, qc came by said tacks look good nice fit everything looks good get after it. was running root pass with 5/32 5p+ reached in rod oven grabed a hand full thinking i am fixing to knock this one out of park, ran 3 rods everything looking good, go for the 4th rod drop my hood and bam blowed thru, raised my hood wondering what just happened, looked at my coupon and a big ugly dingleberry hanging inside. so i said well time to start rolling up, qc came over asked what i was doing, told him to go look, he started rubbing his head and said how the **** you do that, i said i have no clue, we looked and thought and could not understand what happened, i went finish rolling up and when i got to stinger it hit me, there was 1/8 in my holder. looked in rod oven and the rods were mixed together and i was totally embarssed but it happens. the funny thing was when i got there to test there was about 10 pipeliners there with some of nicest rigs you will ever see and i thought to myself these guys will frown on me with my old truck and machine but they were the nicest guys you will ever meet, everyone helped each other with fit up and the qc and company rep were just as nice. so igot in my truck for the long drive home not wanting to call my wife and tell her i busted (because she actually believes i'm good enough to weld anything and never bust) when the company rep flags me down and said look we watched you on fit-up and the way you worked with everybody i could use you as fitter same pay just no rig pay, iaccepted on the spot
Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 04-16-2008 19:17
Hello hojopens3, glad to hear your test still had a happy ending. Now for my question, you said that you reached into the "rod oven" to grab a handful of 5/32" 5p+, did you mean to say something other than "rod oven"? Unless I have missed something as of late, I don't believe the 5p+ requires oven storage. You've peaked my curiosity on this one. Best regards, aevald
Parent - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 04-16-2008 19:25

Question ? Do you heat your 5P's ?

Also I had a similar experience many years ago. I had been in an office for over a year and decided I wanted to weld. Turned in my notice and left. I went to a new construction job in Macon Ga where they were building a new boiler.  I was given a 2" sch 80 6G test with GTAW/SMAW. I prepped it, fit it and had qc come look at it and he said to weld it up. I am pretty sure I asked if the acceptance critera was just SEC IX and Sec I but I may not have. Anyway I put the root in it and it is probably < 1/32" below flush on the inside. This is acceptable by code unless the inspector or the project say otherwise. He explained that hey were not allowing any suckback on this job but I could do another test and didn't need to have him look at fitup. I fit the next one with a larger gap and fed the wirr a few wrds I e through the gap. He came and stopped me asking if I could weld one that was fitup right. After a few words and me jamming one together with no gap and showing what suckback was, I left. As I was walking out the project manager asked where I was going. I told him I was looked out three times in less than an hour and was heading out. He asked me if I wanted to QC and I agreed.

So I guess that those of us who can't weld just QC ;) .
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 04-16-2008 20:27
You NEVER heat any of the XX10 series rods. If you cook them, they are not any good. These rods require a certain mosture content.
Only LH rods are to be heated.
Parent - - By Stringer (***) Date 04-17-2008 03:20
Sometimes rod ovens are used as containers, but not plugged in. No interpretation here, just an observation.
Parent - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 04-17-2008 12:38
If I see XX10 rods coming out of an oven I will assume they have been heated. THere are containers for storing xx10 rods. rod ovens are not one.
Parent - - By hojopens3 (**) Date 04-17-2008 12:55
sorry guys about the confusion, no rod oven was not plugged in, just used for storage
Parent - By ZCat (***) Date 04-17-2008 16:49
I had a guy tell me to backweld a little spot on a test, then I got busted out for backwelding! Seems I didn't make it inconspicuous enough. Hell, when he told me to backweld it, I figgered it must not matter if it looks like a backweld or not, but I guess it did after all. haha
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / anyone ever bust atest this way

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