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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Do You Think Lincoln will make a rigwelder worthy vantage
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Parent - - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 08-04-2009 01:58
Cactus, Isn't this one of the guys that thinks the Vantage is also listed as a "boat anchor" under its applications chart. I'm still useing a pro 350 running stick & mig changing cutting edges on plows and buckets ,no problems but I still like my 1980 SA-250 for pipe. BTW NICE BOAT  PS. GO STEELERS IN THE HUNT FOR #7
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 08-04-2009 02:02
Yep  You are right
Parent - By okwelder82 (***) Date 08-04-2009 02:11
Thank you for the reply. I have welded with the Vantage 300 and 400 and I really like the way it welds LoHi but when I welded Hyp with it i just didnt like the way is ran. In my opinion I prefered the way my 300D welded to the Vantage, it just seemed to run smoother and make a better looking weld. I do mostly pipeline and for that I just prefer the 300D.
Parent - - By tnhnt (***) Date 08-04-2009 03:32
Hey Cactus not to make you mad or raise your blood pressure but I have seen that video and there parking lot is full of Miller Machines but did notcie only one truck had a Miller on it.
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 08-04-2009 12:19
I didnt say they were full of Millers. I said you would be suprised at the Vantage machines you see
Parent - - By stanantonio Date 05-27-2008 05:06
You can make a perfect wedding band every time with a Vantage I agree..  I dont know what you specialize in Stewart, but where weld inches count.. Yeha you can do it on a Vantage(If it wasnt a decent machine I wouldnt have bought one) But you can give yourself a break by dropping the OCV on a sa 200 or 200D when doing downhill that is. I am not implying that the vantage is not a worthy machine I worked off it every day for a year untill last week when I sold it.  But what I consider a rig worthy machine in this day in age is not a vantage.  I try to be the best at every aspect in my trade. Thats where I derive my business.  If I get hindered by an aspect of my tools or business I get rid of it and look for something to improve upon it.  If you can do 100% on your vantage make weld inches I would like your number because I got three compressors on my back log and I am looking for welders next month. I pay more than most!
Parent - - By stewartfan20 (*) Date 05-27-2008 16:57
come down i didnt punch you   in the gut stanantonio, all i am saying is that i do none union pipeline maintence and oilfield fabrication and i have never had a problem with the vantage bustin x-ray, and as far as i am concerened when it's 3 in the morning and -10 degrees in heavy snow out on the r.o.w. making a tie-in i want no other macine than the vantage
Parent - - By stanantonio Date 05-28-2008 03:16 Edited 05-28-2008 04:18
Sorry Maybe I got alittle riled up.  I guess to each their own. Yeha I wished that the vantage worked better for me( I  had two repairs using it in the year I owned it doing 100%.)  Since I sold it. I would imagine I wont be repairing anymore.  You got a small generator for sale? 
Parent - - By argoncowboy (**) Date 08-04-2009 01:52
I have welded pipeline with the vantage and I dont feel like it would stand up in the pipeline industry. Some of the terrain that I go over is just too rough for the vantage. I've been told by welders that own the vantage that a rough right of way will jar some of the electical componants loose. Just my opinion.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 08-04-2009 02:09 Edited 08-04-2009 02:21
The first year or so of production, Maybe so.  The newer models, No way. Everything new has Bugs. Once they are worked out, No problem. Same with the Vantage. I also know guys that had problems. Lincoln has Corrected the problems. The particular mchine that I have was the First one in Texas of its kind. My guys that worked in Brady will tell you. The Lincoln Rep brought it to me straight from the Permian Basin Oil Show last year. It had been on display there as Lincolns New Crown Jewel. I have a Vantage 500 Compact. All of the PC boards have now been sealed, No more worries about dust or rain. They have also "SHOCK PROOFED" the rest of the machine to withstand the ride of a truck all day long. Dont take my word for it. Ask your Lincoln Rep. Also ask him which machine they are selling the most of in the last 2 years.
Parent - By DONKEY PUNCH Date 08-04-2009 02:32
mabey the vantages i ran were the old ones or something . but in my opinion for pipeline and i am only talking about pipeline i would not tell someone to buy a vantage . me and rick harnish welded with a couple o guys at a compresser station a few years ago that had two other guys running vanages both 400 i think one could cap with lo high slick as ive seen the other looked like a mess but i thik the guy that sucked just didnt know how to weld so i would say on welding lo high /generating more power / being able to run a spool gun / i cant believe i am saying this a vantage is better then a pipeliner but on a pipeline i welded with 3 different vantages one was a 300 the other two were 400 and i thought in my opinion that my 300d would out preform any day of the week . and it did because i finished the line an they got ran off . but this is just my opinion
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 05-28-2008 02:34
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 08-04-2009 06:04
I think we oughta all get together and do "The Pepsi Challenge" like cactus suggested.
In a true blind competition, it would be most entertaining to see which machine would come out on top. We might all be surprised.
I'll enter my Miller MaxStar 150 just for Chips and Giggles...
Parent - - By rick harnish (***) Date 08-04-2009 22:11
It would be my 65 Redface, no doubt!!! :)     ( weld quick, though, aint got a waterpump! )
Now seriously, the challenge would be interesting. Like DonkeyPunch mentioned, I bet it would depend on the application.
I still have not had the chance to weld with a Vantage. Need a full day of it to form a honest opinion. Until then, Im just biased toward a traditional style machine.
LOL! Bring on the MaxStar! Might like it best!!
Parent - - By okwelder82 (***) Date 08-04-2009 23:09
That would be interesting
Parent - By Johnyutah (**) Date 08-05-2009 02:55
I don't even know if I want to get into this one but here goes: First the stats broke out on a 200 then classic III still have one and now classic 300d. Now why no down time let me be straight. I bleed Lincoln however I never turn down a chance to go head to head with any other machine. It's in our blood. In my opinion, you can fix most any problem on any classic style Lincoln with the tools on your rig thats money in our pockets. Second, tough as hell the black rig I posted pics of 9k on the hour meter and we dropped it with a forklift still running. That brings up my problem. Does anyone have the kind of hours or hard life on a Vantage or a Miller not that I have seen. So if you have to go down the access roads day in and day out what choice do you have?  There is no proof otherwise smart money says 200 or classic 3 its just how it is. Now what if your in the yard or doing repairs then AC rules you need it to make the money those machines make you look good and the tools you can run are priceless. So in the end, I am classic until I see one that can compare hours and abuse but Millers not this kid all comments were IMHO.
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