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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / AWS D17.1 table 4.3
- - By project504 Date 05-12-2008 05:18
I am in the processes of doing weld sample For GTAW I doing 4130, 6061-t6 and SS all .040 thickiness.

now I just want a second opion on the chart 4.3 and side notes.
so if I do a weld in the 1G position on sheet and  one for fillet and one for groove what I'm position am I qualifieded for?

If I was to do one groove and one filltet in the 6G position am I qualified to do all position? is it in my best interest to do that?

also I in paragraph (3) it says a tube weld is needed to for Ods less then 1 inch and that whatever size Od you do as a test you are qualified to that size and larger.

so for this would it be best to do a 1/4 od tube??? that just seams weried.

I was hoping to get a phone number of someone that I can talk to about seting up my company correctly to hold the AWS standards myself( I'm the only worker at my company right now). I there is anyone I can contact that can help me get some direction.
I also live in canada so if anyone is really up on the air reg to do with welding that might also help.

thanks Justin
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 05-12-2008 12:37
Hey Justin

Its a big project your looking at.

Before you can perform welder performance qualifications, on class "A" or "B" welds, you will first need to qualify all your procedures by testing (4.4.1) and (4.4.6), for all your alloy groups (4.3.2), in all the thicknesses ranges (4.3.3) and positions (table 4.3) you intend to use in production.

To your specific questions.
Table 4.3....... A 1G qualifies for flat and horizontal fillets if the base metal thickness is greater than 0.063
.....................For thicknesses below 0.063 grooves do not qualify for fillets (note 1)
                     A 1F fillet qualfies for 1F only

For your tube question.. Still in table 4.3
...................Note (2) "A sheet test qualifies for grooves for tube welds in 1 in. OD or greater."
...................Note also that only 1G & 2G Tube and 1F tube/sheet can be qualified by sheet grooves regardless of the positon the sheet was qualified in.
..................So informed by note (2) you don't need to do tube tests for 1" or greater if sheet qualed (Groove).
...................Therefore your 1/4 in od test would qualify all your dia tube less than 1 inch
Parent - - By project504 Date 05-12-2008 14:47
thanks for that quick reply.

so looking at that chart and  the 6G position is the one to use because it qualifies you for everything.

as for the procedures:
-the  AWS B2.1 ( that is metion in 4.4.1 about processes)is that found in a different book then the AWS D17.1?
- who would certify my procedure manual? transport canada? could this manual be the same as a Maitenance procedures manual required to run a AMO?
-does the process spec stay current, or is it something you need to re apply for after so many years.

I understand that this is going to be a big project but in a way If I get it all in order now then I have it for for years to come as long as I stay current.

I just want to do this right the first time.

thanks Justin
Parent - - By project504 Date 05-14-2008 14:35
anyone have any more insight on the procedure manual.
Parent - By Ringo (***) Date 05-14-2008 19:01
I work for an AMC,and our procedure manual or Repair Station/Quality Control Manual is certified by the FAA,and is audited annually by CASE audits.We fall under the guidelines of FAR 145.
Parent - - By Ringo (***) Date 05-14-2008 19:05
AWS B2.1 is a separate manual,it has to do with qualifying PQR,WPS and the different methods it takes to qualify.You can purchase it thru AWS.
Parent - By project504 Date 05-15-2008 01:56
thanks you vary much

I'm am going to read the FARS.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / AWS D17.1 table 4.3

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