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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / WPS Alum 2 different base metals welded together
- - By crazyhorse Date 05-12-2008 18:38
If a WPS was performed using 5052 (one half of plate coupon), and 6061 (other half of coupon), all tests passed.
Does this cover 5052 to 6061, 5052 to 5052, 6061 to 6061?
5052 and 6061 are in different "M" groups.
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 05-12-2008 19:38 Edited 06-16-2008 12:50
Ok this is a good question, but I think I see where your question can be aswered in D1.2, but you didn't specify a code.  Here is the answer for D1.2.  First off, you'd go to 3.12.3 where it says, more than one WPS may be used in a single joint, provided each WPS is qualified either seperatly or in combonation with the other WPS's within the thickness limits in table 3.4 or 3.5. That being said you can do a disimilar metal WPS and PQR ,but you'd only be qaulified for that joint with those 2 metals and filler.  You have to do a seperate one for 6061 to 6061 and 5052 to 5052 with whatever filler you want to use for those.  Your tensiles for the disimilar metals only needs to meet the min tensile of the lower strength base matl (  Yeah , you don't get to many freebee's with D1.2 cause pretty much anything you do needs a PQR with it almost.
Parent - - By Boon (**) Date 06-01-2008 16:54
I am not familiar with Alum welding but the example mentioned is also often encountered in steel materials when they are from different P no.
If the trick is to use same filler, 2 PQRs can qualify for the WPS to weld the dissimilar metal, why should this be a grey area? Even if it is a grey area, what can be done to remove it for the benefit of welding industry?
Parent - By Boon (**) Date 06-14-2008 08:59
I raised the question on whether 2 PQRs can support a WPS to weld dissimilar metal but I guess I know the answer now after some research on ASME code.
This is not possible as the base metal grouping is an essential variable. If the 2 PQRs support P1 to P1 and P8 to P8 base metals, than for welding P1 to P8 base metals, a new PQR is required.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / WPS Alum 2 different base metals welded together

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