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Up Topic Welding Industry / Welding Safety / Direction of Rolling
- - By Superflux (****) Date 05-12-2008 21:56
When using power rollers with sub-arc or semi auto GMAW, FCAW etc. I've always rolled the vessel shells or pipe away from me. When our shop purchased a new sub arc, the salesman/technician set it up rolling towards the operator. I mentioned my experience of always going the other direction and not knowing why? He claimed it was so the operator could have easy visual access to the weld and make adjustments quickly. Having thought about it some, I remember a couple of incidents in the past where the ground clamp became entangled around the piece and rolled it off onto the floor. Had the rotation been reversed, it could have possibly trapped the operator against the machine/mast and who knows what!. I toured some other local shops and sure enough, they were rolling into the operator. These other facilities had also bought their equipment from the same distributor....
Which way do you roll? Is this a safety or non-issue???
Parent - By Bill M (***) Date 05-13-2008 14:30
I would consider the possiblity of "struck by", "hit by", or "trapped by" the welding machine a safety issue.  If there is that potential I would try and position some emergency stop pendent switches in the work area readily accessible to your operators. 
Parent - By fbrieden (***) Date 05-13-2008 14:56
When I was in industry, we ALWAYS rolled away from the operator. I also believe this direction allowed for more precise wire placement in the joint, and easier adjustments if necessary.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Welding Safety / Direction of Rolling

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