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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / NEW PIPELINE IN ALASKA
- - By DKUMPUNEN (*) Date 05-13-2008 00:04
   I  read that a new pipe line is going to be built in ALASKA.Does anyone know who the inspection
company or companies will be?Any romours about how much they would pay a CWI to inspect on
the pipe line?I have been a CWI for 9 years with piping experience and currently working a shut
down in a refinery.

Parent - - By webbcity (***) Date 05-13-2008 03:13
donk , the work force to build this pipeline has not entered junior high school yet . don't hold your breath waiting for it . it takes lots of pipe to build  and we haven't seen that much pipe being moved yet . e-mail me and i'll foward you some web pages . good luck . willie
Parent - - By fordyak Date 06-03-2008 21:01
Actually,  The state has started the engineering on the line, which is going to run through Canada. They have figured that the inital engineering will take about a year and a half, and then go from there.
If you are looking for work in Alaska as a CWI there is plenty.  You can tipicaly get anywhere from $500-$600 or more a day. Some work 2 weeks on 2 weeks off, and some work as long as they want to with time off in between hitches. Don't be fooled if you want work you can get it!
Parent - By pipeliner01 (**) Date 06-04-2008 02:35
you fellas talking about what's called the mackenzie delta pipeline?  If so I definetely wouldn't hold my breath over it, tons of BS on the canadian side anyways.
Parent - By 3.1 Inspector Date 06-04-2008 17:52
You will not have a chance anyway - that is if the europeans move in with the CSWIP and EWF me on this one.
Parent - By pipeliner04 (**) Date 06-05-2008 06:06
according to pipeline news magazine, the pipeline connecting the north slope of alaska to the U.S.(chicago) is supposed to start in 2009.  but,,theres also a huge problem with that.  i cant remember if the magazine said it was gonna be 52 inch or 56 inch.  either way the magazine stated that nobody makes this diameter pipe anymore,,so theyre having a problem in finding a facility large enough and capable of making as much pipe needed for this job. if this is the case,,dont hold your  breathe.  but trans-canada is involved in the project.  go to  youll have to pay for it but theres so much work in there its unreal
Parent - By Pipeslayer (**) Date 06-27-2008 17:22
It's the Alaska Denali Pipeline from Alpine to Ft. McMurray and it is real and approved. Pay is around 35-45 per hour and the hour are plentiful. Expect 91-100 a week. I was in Kuparuk field so we knew about it first hand. To check jobs google ASRC and go to employment link. Good luck
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / NEW PIPELINE IN ALASKA

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