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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / API 570
- - By 3.1 Inspector Date 06-04-2008 18:41
Did any of you do the API 570 today?
If you did, how did you find it?
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 06-04-2008 18:43
Typically American. :)
Parent - - By 3.1 Inspector Date 06-04-2008 18:48
js55, you will find that this is an American forum - please act accordingly :)
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 06-04-2008 19:07
Obviously we can find common ground.
Parent - - By 3.1 Inspector Date 06-04-2008 19:12
Ofc we can, why should we not?
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 06-04-2008 19:20
No reason at all. We just gotta make sure we both looking in the same code book.  :)
Parent - By hogan (****) Date 06-04-2008 19:40
What no EPI codes to work or test to?
Parent - - By 3.1 Inspector Date 06-04-2008 19:50
I am starting to like API 570
Parent - - By johnnyh (***) Date 06-04-2008 21:54
I enjoyed taking the 510 test today.  Now the waiting game......
Parent - - By johnnyh (***) Date 06-18-2008 18:26
Still waiting.......:(
Parent - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 06-20-2008 00:40
Took API 8 full weeks to get me the results on my 577 test.
Parent - - By johnnyh (***) Date 07-23-2008 14:36
I passed!!!! What a relief!!
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 07-23-2008 14:57
Congratulations!!!! :-)

Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 07-23-2008 15:00
congrats, that one is very difficult
Parent - By johnnyh (***) Date 07-23-2008 15:36
Thanks guys.  I spent more time studying for this test than any other one I have ever taken.  I bought the books 9 months in advance and took a 10 day prep course.
Parent - - By 3.1 Inspector Date 07-25-2008 05:29 Edited 07-25-2008 05:36
Congrats :)
Did you get the letter or saw it on
It seems they havent posted all results yet, or nobody from the UK passed.
Parent - - By johnnyh (***) Date 07-25-2008 13:38
I called the number on the API website and the guy said my timing was perfect because they had just recieved the results 30 minutes earlier.  It is still not posted on the status verification page.  My guess is that it will take another 8 weeks for that to post.  202 682 8064 is the number.
Parent - By 3.1 Inspector Date 07-25-2008 13:46
I see.... :)
Parent - - By 3.1 Inspector Date 07-25-2008 16:11
Pass :)
Parent - - By johnnyh (***) Date 07-25-2008 16:34
Way to go!!  Which one are you gonna take next?
Parent - By 3.1 Inspector Date 07-25-2008 16:40
I think I will do the 580,I have also been looking at the ASME Plant inspection course.
Parent - - By cryogenicshaun (**) Date 07-25-2008 18:13
I finally recieved my 510 in the mail a few weeks ago. I didn't take the test though. I took the National board in december of last year and passed it. All I had to do was send API proof that I passed and the usual fee and paperwork and they sent me the certification. 2 birds, 1 stone. I have never taken the 510 but I hear it's extremely hard. I plan on doing the 570 and CWI in the near future.

Congrats to everyone that passed!
Parent - - By 3.1 Inspector Date 07-25-2008 18:19
Congratulation on your examination!
Well, I guess its "easy" to say - after you know you passed - but I did not find the 570 that hard.
The real test, atleast for me was to understand the questions correct.
It seems like API like to use 5 or 6 lines to ask a very very simple question, and on top of that the whole examination settings are a bit "scary"

Parent - By cryogenicshaun (**) Date 07-25-2008 18:24
I've heard that about the questions. The National Board was the same way, except the whole test was open book. I thought that would make it easier, I was wrong. i would hate to have saw my grade had I not been able to use the books.
Parent - - By johnnyh (***) Date 07-25-2008 19:51
Congrats on the National Board test.  The CWI seemed like a harder test than the 510.  The CWI was like taking 3 tests and having to pass them all to get certed.  The API tests are a cummulative score so you can make up for a few missed questions witout failing a whole section.  Luckily I am 2 for 2 now and I think I will try the 577 or 580 in September if I can talk my boss into letting me skip my company's annual golf outing in Cleveland.  
Parent - By 3.1 Inspector Date 07-26-2008 05:32
I would wait with the 580!!!
API are still changing the questions due a very low pass rate.

What the hell I am doing here?
Have a flight in 4 hours, bringing me to the nice Island of Cyprus, where drinks with umbrella, beer, pool, beach sun, my wife in hot pants are waiting :)

cya in a few weeks time :O
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / API 570

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