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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Guy's RULE!!!
- - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 06-08-2008 01:04
Guy's Rules

At last a guy has taken the time to write this all down
Finally , the guys' side of the story
We always hear 'the rules' From the female side
Now here are the rules from the male side
These are our rules! Please note... they are all numbered '1' ON PURPOSE!

1.   Men are NOT mind readers.

2.    Learn to work the toilet seat.  You're a big girl.  If it's up, put it down.   We need it up, you need it down.  You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down.

3.    Sunday sports It's like the full moon or the changing of the tides.  Let it be.

4.    Crying is blackmail.

5.    Ask for what you want.   Let us be clear on this one!  Subtle hints do not work!  Strong hints do not work!  Obvious hints do not work!   Just say it!

6.    Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question.

7.   Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it.   That's what we do.   Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.

8.    Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument.   In fact, all comments become Null and void after 7 Days.

9.    If you think you're fat, you probably are.  Don't ask us.

10.    If something we said can be interpreted two ways and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one.

11.   You can either ask us to do something Or tell us how you want it done.   Not both.   If you already know best how to do it, just do it yourself.

12.    Whenever possible, Please say whatever you have to say during commercials.

13.    Christopher Columbus did NOT need directions and neither do we.

14.    ALL men see in only 16 colors, like Windows default settings.   Peach, for example, is a fruit, not A color.   Pumpkin is also a fruit.   We have NO idea what mauve is.

15.    If it itches, it will be scratched.  We do that.

16.    If we ask what is wrong and you say 'nothing,' We will act like nothing's wrong.  We know you are lying, but it is just not worth the hassle.

17.    If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, Expect an answer you don't want to hear.

18.   When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear is fine... Really!

19.    Don't ask us what we're thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss such topics as baseball, sex, hooters, or golf.

20.    You have enough clothes.

21.   You have too many shoes.

22.    I am in shape.   Round IS a shape!  Straight IS a shape! Flat IS a shape!

23.   Thank you for reading this.   Yes, I know I have to sleep on the couch tonight; But did you know men really don't mind that?   It's like camping!!! ;)

Enjoy!!! :) :) :)

Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 06-08-2008 01:43
I am ROTFLMFAO and my wife says "thats just stupid"

GO FIGURE!!!! :-) :-)

Parent - By sbcmweb (****) Date 06-08-2008 01:50
I won't even bother to let my wife see this one. She may banish me from the forum for good. :-) Cool! S.W.

"This button will turn all the power in the city back on...This one will release the hounds.." (Mr. Burns, The Simpsons Movie)
Parent - - By swsweld (****) Date 06-08-2008 02:38
Good stuff Hank! Got the spelling right this time :)
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 06-08-2008 05:40
My friends all call me Hank so, thanks Friend!!! :) :) :)

Parent - By Weldrwomn (*) Date 06-08-2008 14:57
Just one word...WHATEVER
Parent - - By Jenn (***) Date 06-24-2008 14:38
Hey, that's why I get along with them. SIMPLE. EASY. No guessing what they're thinking, cause they'll darn well tell you! None of this hoo-ha guessing game crap that women do! ( I probably think like a guy, since I grew up around all guys lol)

I have some of my own solutions (variations on some of these rules really) :

two bathrooms: one with the seat always up, one with the seat always down.

two tv's: 'nuff said

Don't be fat: then you don't have to ask if you're fat or not. OR never ask if you're fat, and He won't be forced to have to answer such a silly question! hee hee

I could go on, but I won't...

Makes for a happy marriage!

Good one Henry!


Jenn :)
Parent - - By johnnyh (***) Date 06-24-2008 15:09
Will you marry me?? lol
Parent - By Jenn (***) Date 06-24-2008 15:41
Hee hee, sorry love, I got "scooped" up already! And I'm sure he's quite content :) If I had a dollar for every time I was asked if I had a sister I'd be rich, and No I don't have one.

We have to learn to share tools better! THAT starts most of the fights - LOL! YOU TOOK MY TOOL TO WORK -->> BRING IT BACK!!! So now we just buy two of everything we know we both would use, and stamp our initials on it, like little kids. Sears loves us :) Still cheaper than a lawyer though....
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 06-24-2008 15:19
I like you. :-)


Parent - - By sbcmweb (****) Date 06-24-2008 16:45
Sensible...Very sensible. Most likely pretty too! :-) (Meant with all respect) S.W.

"The crew of the space shuttle Challenger honored us by the manner in which they lived their lives. We will never forget them, nor the last time we saw them, this morning, as they prepared for the journey and waved goodbye and "slipped the surly bonds of earth" to "touch the face of God." (Ronald Reagan, Jan 28 1986.)

(I saw it explode on TV at school that day. I was 13. I'll never forget it.)
Parent - - By cyrus 07 (**) Date 06-24-2008 19:00
sbcmweb were do you get all of your sign-off quotes do you retain most of them in your memory?? I  for some reason probably an odd undetermined one ( LOL ) find them, or you very interesting for doing this and was wondering if you could explain this pattern or your reason for leaving them...
                                                                    thank you..
Parent - - By sbcmweb (****) Date 06-24-2008 19:20
You bet! I'm into music, books & movies. Not a geek on it, but like good lyrics & lines. I get a lot of the song lyrics from memory & some movie quotes. Some I look up online if I only know part of it. The reason for the Challenger speech excerpt, is primarily because Discovery has been running a series called "When we left Earth" It highlighted the US space program from it's infancy to today. They did a segment on that speech when they were talking about the Challenger explosion. It brought back a LOT of memories. I seen it at school that day, I was 13 years old. It was particularly disturbing, because one of our teachers at Waverly Middle School in Lansing, MI had been in the selection program & had met Christa McAuliffe personally, weeks before the launch. (the teacher that died on Challenger). She was devastated. I'll never forget it. Just felt like putting it up there out of respect, I guess.

As for the exact reason I do it..... I just like to be different, I guess :-) *Didn't want to hijack the thread!!!!!* Steve.

"Come back here, drink our beer, bend our ear, with no idea! Wrong or right, a true philosopher! Defining our performance!! Why don't you get yourself a life? Just get the f**k out!" (Drunken Wisdom, Overkill, Under The Influence LP) *That's totally from memory!!* :-)
Parent - - By Jenn (***) Date 06-24-2008 19:43
I love them too, sometimes I "trace" your posts just for your cool quotes when I have extra time..... most of the times I see the connection behind the quote and the topic. Keep em coming! Kudos to your memory cells.

Mine works more for numbers, math, programming...... not so much for memorizing words. I can tell you phone numbers from 15 years ago, serial #'s on my gun, computers, cars, all that stuff. Never tell me your social security # !!!!!  ;)

*Tiny welder*
Parent - - By sbcmweb (****) Date 06-24-2008 20:26
Thanks! I sure didn't mean to hijack the thread! Sometimes, I try to connect the quote with the post, most of the time, I just wing it. That Overkill song's been itching at me to post it. I just keep forgetting to do it! as far as other stuff...I can't remember what I had for breakfast sometimes, let alone remember numbers. But movies, books & especially song lyrics, I got it covered! Weld on! S.W.

BTW, are you really A "tiny" weldor? :-)

"It can't be bargained with, it can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity or remorse or fear and it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead." (Reese to Sarah Connor, The Terminator)  *I had to cheat a little on this one!
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 06-25-2008 13:00
Heres one for you. What song did this come from?

"look at the flock, there all in shock, here comes that mutton fan"
Parent - By sbcmweb (****) Date 06-25-2008 17:00
I can't say on that one. It sounds familiar though. ?? S.W.
Parent - - By Jenn (***) Date 06-25-2008 13:09
I'm barely 105 pounds I think that constitutes tiny :)  I can hold my own though, I used to run printing presses for over 10 years, and throw paper around by 100 pounds (or more) at a time all day long. I also used to make big signs and install them on the sides of buildings, and up on bilboards. So I'm little, but I'm fit to say the least. Dynamite isn't big either, but it packs one heck of a bang!

So welding is right up my alley, I love the "danger factor" in anything, and I love to work HARD all day. I love machines, and tools. I still have all my fingers after running those presses, so I'm obviously very safe at what I do too. It also has so much that you can learn about it to keep me mentally occupied long enough (endlessly I'm finding out, the more I learn the more I do not know, lol) that I won't get bored with it, which is a problem I have. When I feel like I've learned all I can, and I'm bored, it's time to move on. This one's gonna keep me busy for the next fifty years I think :)


Yes I'm TINY :)
*Tiny Welder*
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 06-25-2008 13:54
I am surprised you didn't go military. 105# fit and strong for size, insatiable curiousity, good with hand eye co-ordination, not afraid of heights, "love the "danger factor" in anything".

Sounds like a perfect candidate for flight school in the Air Force if your eye sight matchs, or as a minimum a gunner on an AC 130 crew.

Parent - - By Jenn (***) Date 06-25-2008 16:04

I actually inquired of the military quite a few times. My first marriage was to a military man. Unfortunately the miltiary would not take me. I have migraines and since they are neurological, and considered to be a form of "seizure", and controlled with seizure meds, they would not accept me.  I could not lie and say I didn't have them, and go without the meds, as I would have them too often to get by with it without the meds, they would end up "tossing me" for that. It's a shame, because they're not that debilitating of a thing if they're controlled (and not particulary debilitating when not controlled, just painful). It takes very low dosages of meds. It only takes a few seconds to eat a pill. I can do that anytime anywhere.

I know I could do the jobs, and be quite "lethal" :) I shoot very well, and not afraid of anything or anyone. I'd go to war in a heartbeat, I love this country!

And I think I'm too old now too, lol. But don't tell anyone!

Parent - By sbcmweb (****) Date 06-25-2008 16:31
Don't feel bad. They didn't want me either. Much the same deal with a somewhat medical condition. It was heavily documented & I wasn't about to lie about it either. I just told them fine, but don't come looking for me after the next war starts. If I wasn't good enough 11 years ago, what makes me good enough now? I'm too old anyways. I wanted to be a cop in the Air Force. Go figure.... :-) S.W.
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 06-25-2008 17:33
I know the feeling. 5 generations in family history of military service, but I would not be taken as I had severe damage when I was 16. (hit by a car).
They told me I had to be deployable, and they felt Cold weather environments would be a problem. Odd thing is, I ended up in Prudoe bay and other colder locations, no problems. Go figure.
Parent - - By sbcmweb (****) Date 06-25-2008 16:26
Maybe tiny in size, but BIG in heart! Awesome!! S.W.
Parent - - By swnorris (****) Date 06-25-2008 17:42
I remember when I was in the army.  We had the toughest drill sergeant in the world.  He'd get right up in our face and yell, and if you didn't have the right answers, mister, you'd be cleaning his house or washing his dirty underwear.  Sometimes, he made me clean his latrine.  If I didn't do a good job, or do it fast enough to suit him, he'd yell at me, stick my head in the toilet, and flush it repeatedly until I was gasping for air.  It was probably the toughest three years of my life.  Hey, wait a minute.  I wasn't in the army, and who was that guy? I guess in the end things tend to even out. Religion, some people say, has caused wars and fighting.  Yes, but it's also boring to sit through a church service, so it evens out.  One moment you're depressed because your doctor tells you that you have alcoholism.  But then you cheer up when you go home and find a hidden bottle of vodka you had forgotten about.  Things even out all the time, if you take time to notice, like I do.  Let's say you want a big cupcake with lots of icing, so you go buy one and eat it.  But then you realize, I don't have the cupcake anymore.  Or maybe you take a bite of salsa that's labeled "Hot," and it doesn't seem that hot, but then about a split second later it seems really hot.  You might hear that some guy you know is having a party, so you call him up, but he says there's no party. But then you call back, using a different voice, and suddenly there is a party.  One day you ask people to take a look at an oozing skin rash you have. Then a few days later you're looking at their oozing rashes. You send someone a death threat and then, mysteriously, the police come to your house and threaten you.  Maybe you find a nice flat rock on a riverbank, and when you pick it up and throw it, it skips across the water several times. But then the next flat rock you can't even pry loose because, what is this stuff, glue mud? You notice an ant drifting away on a leaf in the water.  Then you look up to see your aunt, drifting away in a rowboat.  Eventually, I believe, everything evens out.  Long ago an asteroid hit our planet and killed all our dinosaurs.  But in the future, maybe we'll go to another planet and kill all their dinosaurs.  Even in the afterlife things probably even out, although I can't imagine how.  Regardless, I still believe in God and the three commandments, but I'm having trouble trying to figure how much stuff I can get away with and still go to heaven.  Anyway, if you still don't believe things even out, try this simple test.  No matter where you are, constantly flip a coin, over and over again, loudly calling out heads or tails after each flip.  Half the time, people will ask you to stop.  Once you realize that things even out, it's like a light being turned on in your head, then turning off, then being turned back on, to dim.  Probably the most perfect example of things evening out happened to me just last month.  I was walking to the post office to mail a death threat.  It was a beautiful day.  I was happily singing away in my super loud singing voice.  I didn't step on any chewing gum like I usually do, and when I threw my gum down, it didn't stick to my fingertips.  As I rounded the corner, there was a bum begging for change.  I was feeling pretty good, so I gave him a five dollar bill.  At first I tried to make him do a little dance and entertain me for the five dollars, but he got mad and wouldn't do it, so I gave him the five dollars anyway.  Not long after that I was reading the paper, and there was a picture of the bum.  He had won the Nobel Prize in chemistry.  He had a little bigger nose and straighter teeth, but I'm pretty sure it was him.  So, my five dollars had made him change his ways and become a chemistry guy.  A few days later I was walking by the corner again, and there was the bum, back begging.  So, things had evened out.  He had gotten the Nobel Prize, but now he was a bum again. I asked him for my five dollars back, but he started swinging at me and yelling a bunch of weird stuff that I assume was some chemistry formulas or something.
Parent - By Jenn (***) Date 06-25-2008 17:54

You're so twisted, I love it!
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 06-25-2008 23:25
Can you elaborate on the "Three Commandments"? I fully understand everything else and it makes perfect sense(scary??), but I have seven extra commandments that I am now unsure of what to do with. :-)

Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 06-26-2008 03:39
    "I give You these 15 - CRASH - 10 comandments"  Mel Brooks - History of the World part 1. Put those 7 extras where Mel put His 5.
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 06-26-2008 04:04
Parent - - By swnorris (****) Date 06-26-2008 11:31

I suggest picking out the seven that you know will give you the most trouble.  These are what are commonly referred to as the seven deadly sins.  Simply toss them aside and follow the other three.  A few of the ones that gave me the most trouble, and still do to this day, are Thou shall not impersonate a thirty year old woman, Thou shall not bob thy head like a parakeet when spoken to, and Thou shall not eat things for money.    
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 06-26-2008 14:07
This ones a killer. That is my main source of extra income. Not to mention protien. LOL :-)

"Thou shall not eat things for money."    
Parent - By CHGuilford (****) Date 06-28-2008 02:12
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds!  That's gotta be it! :)
Parent - - By johnnyh (***) Date 06-24-2008 20:08
I will never forget that day.  I was 8 and can remember it like yesterday.  Now I live near Johnson Space Center and many restaurants around here have plaques and memorials of that day.  My office building is mostly occupied by Boeing and Lockheed Martin employees so I get all the Space scoop as it happens.  :)
Parent - - By sbcmweb (****) Date 06-24-2008 20:29
Yeah, I cried a little the other night when they played back that part of the speech. I, same as you can remember everything. Really sad. Cool you get the skinny on all the Skunkworks stuff though (at least what they will admit to!) S.W.
Parent - By hogan (****) Date 06-24-2008 21:49
I was at Walt Disney world that day. We had tried to see the launch but it was canceled on our first two attempts. I have a series of pic's somewhere, but they were with the high tech 110 camera.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Guy's RULE!!!

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