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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Help on CWI Testing
- - By BryonLewis (****) Date 06-08-2008 15:40
Hello all,
I have decided to take the CWI testing, probably in Dallas Nov. 08.  The problem I am having is trying to decided which of the Part C tests to take.  I want to get studying but am unsure which test to take (D1.1, D1.5 or API 1104).  Since everything will be out of pocket I want to maximize for the test that will have the most potential in the industry. I live in the Kansas City Area and I know of no one that has taken these test before. Any help would be very appreciated.
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 06-08-2008 22:00

Use the search function in the forum here.

Just type in things like CWI test, CWI Exam, CWI Training.

You will find many hours of reading and advice given to folks who have asked exactly the same excellent questions you are asking.

Alot of it has to do with what kind of work you want to do... some is driven by econonomics...  Some is driven by what you already have the most experience with.

Lots of the best experts around are right here... when your questions get more and more specific.. keep bringing em here!
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 06-08-2008 22:34
It is going to come down to which one you are more familliar with. Dont think one is easier than another. simply because the 1104 is thinner the test is easier. And dont think the 1104 is cheaper.
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 06-09-2008 02:31
I have checked out the posts over the past couple of weeks and have learned a lot.  I am just wondering what kind of "weight" each of the exams carry in the job market.  Is one or the other more desired by employers.  I figure that since the bridge collapse in Minneapolis that there would be more need for D1.5, but I am not sure what to expect in the "real world".  I have welded aluminum concrete forms, worked as a trailer mechanic and currently building manholes for tank cars.  I never had the opportunity to build anything that needed to be inspected.  I have got burned out on welding and attained a Bachelors Degree in computer networking (which led to nothing) and now I am back to welding.  I decided that I am destined to stay in industry but I would like to move into CWI.  I have limited resources and am looking to take the exams that hold the most weight in the industry.  I see that regardless of which Part C you take you are qualified to inspect anything but I am looking to study and pass (hopefully) the one that will lead me to the most opportunities in the industry.
Parent - - By weld7320 (*) Date 06-09-2008 10:08
I have yet to be asked which code I tested to, only whether or not I'm certified.  Since you will need to purchase a code book you should IMHO test to the code you will be most likely to use.  I was told by an AISC auditor before my test that the easier code to test to in his opinion was the API.  But since I do most of my work in D1.1 and D1.5 I took it to D1.1. 
Parent - By BryonLewis (****) Date 06-09-2008 10:15
Thanks, that is what I think, based on my research is leading me too.  I borrowed a copy of 1.1 from my job and looked it over, I do comprehend much of the material.  They are supposed to order API1104 code book.  I plan on borrowing it and checking it out too.  I have never delt with pipe before but it sounds interesting. I guess I will keep researching until I can see the API book. Thanks guys.
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 06-09-2008 14:35
  Here is JMHO, on which code to use. Now it has been said that one should consider long term goals when choosing the code you will test to. This is spot on. Now I am by no means saying that one is easier than the other, nor is one less important than the other.

I personally feel that one gets a better knowledge of how to correctly and sucessfully read codes from testing to D1.1 and this has been a benifit to me, as after using D1.1, most other codes are a cakewalk to read correctly. Again, this is JMHO, and everyone is differant.

Having said that, if you plann on doing pipe and nothing else, API 1104.
If you plan on delving into many differant codes in your inspection career, AWS D1.1

Good Luck, and keep me posted, I am working in Dallas.

Parent - By BryonLewis (****) Date 06-18-2008 21:56
Thanks guys your input has been very helpful.
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 08-08-2008 02:15
this is where i should of come to begin with to answer my questions the D1.1 is the exam i'll go after and after talking with you and gerald i shouldnt have any problem taking and passing this test thanks
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Help on CWI Testing

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